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Lesson Posted on 10/10/2020 Learn Sanskrit +2 Class 10 Sanskrit Language



I am a tutor with 7 years of experience in teaching Sanskrit and Hindi . I have taken classes in person...

‌दुर्वहमत्र जीवितं जातं प्रकृतिरेव शरणं l शुचि पर्यावर्णम् ll महानगरमध्ये चलदनिशं कालायश्चक्रम् l मनः शोषयत् तनुः पेषयत् भ्रमति सदा वक्रम् l दुर्दान्तैर्दश्नैरमुना श्यान्नैव जनग्रसनम् l शुचि... ll1ll अर्थ = इस संसार मे जीना कठिन हो गाय है, केवल एकमात्र... read more

‌दुर्वहमत्र जीवितं जातं प्रकृतिरेव शरणं l

                                       शुचि पर्यावर्णम् ll

महानगरमध्ये  चलदनिशं कालायश्चक्रम् l

मनः शोषयत् तनुः पेषयत्  भ्रमति सदा वक्रम् l

दुर्दान्तैर्दश्नैरमुना श्यान्नैव जनग्रसनम् l शुचि... ll1ll


अर्थ = इस संसार मे जीना कठिन हो गाय है,  केवल एकमात्र प्रकृति हि शरण बची है l

                                  पवित्र पर्यावराण ll

महानगरों के अंदर दिन रात घूमता हुआ यह गाड़ियों का पहिया (लौहे का चक्र) हमारे मन का शोषण करता रहता है और शरीर को पीसता रहता है ।

कहीं ऐसा न हो कि यह अपने भयंकर दाँतों के द्वारा सभी लोगों को कहा न जाए । पवित्र पर्यावरण ।। 1 ।।

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Lesson Posted on 14/08/2020 Learn Sanskrit +2 Sanskrit Language Class 10

Samash in detail


I am a tutor with 7 years of experience in teaching Sanskrit and Hindi . I have taken classes in person...

समासा:श्रुतश्रुि: – अह दिं नम दि् नम विद्या् या: आलयम्समयम्अनतिक्रम्‍य गच्‍छामि।अनकुृति: – अहम्अपि प्रतिदिनं विद्यालयंयथासमयंगच्‍छामि।श्रुतश्रुि: – किं त्‍वं जानासि यद व् सदेुवस्‍य सत:ु क: आसीत?्अनकुृति: – जानामि। वसदेुवसत:ु श्रीकृष्‍ण: आसीत।्श्रुतश्रुि:... read more

श्रुि: – अह दिं नम दि् नम विद्या
् या: आलयम्समयम्अनतिक्रम्‍य गच्‍छामि।
अनकुृति: – अहम्अपि प्रतिदिनं
श्रुि: – किं त्‍वं जानासि यद व् सदे
ुवस्‍य सत:
ु क: आसीत?्
अनकुृति: – जानामि। वसदे
ु श्रीकृष्‍ण: आसीत।

श्रुि: – मह्यं पी त: वर्ण: रोचते। स: अपि पीतम्अम्‍बरं धारयति स्‍म।
अनकुृति: – सत्‍यं व दसि। स: पीताम्‍बरं धारयति स्म अत: स: ‘पीताम्‍बर:’ इति नाम्‍ना
अपि प्रसिद्ध:। मया पठितं यत् कृष्‍ण: च बलराम: च यमनाया:
ु तटे
क्रीडत: स्‍म।
श्रुि: – मयापि पठितंयत्कृष्‍णबलरामौ यमनातटे
ु क्रीडत: स्‍म।
उपरिलिखितेषुसवं ादवाक्‍येष श्रुत
श्रुि: यानि वाक्यानि वदति तेषुरेखा‍ि�त-पदानि पथकृ ्
पथकृ ् सन्ति परन्‍तु अनकुृति: यानि वाक्‍यानि वदति तेष वु ाक्‍येषुतानि एव रेखा‍ि�त-पद‍ानि
समस्‍तरूपेण (सं
क्षिप्‍तरूपेण) योजयित्‍वा प्रदर्शितानि सन्ति। यथा शब्‍दानां
पथकृ ्-पथकृ ्लेखनं
‘विग्रह:’ कथ्‍यतेतथैव समस्‍तरूपेण (सक्षिप्‍त ं रूपेण) वा लेखनं‘समास:’ इति कथ्‍यते।
विभाजनंमख्ु‍यत: चतर्धा
ु भवति —
1. अव्‍ययीभाव:
2. तत्‍पुरुष:
3. द्वन्‍द्व:
4. बहु
(कर्मधारय: द्विग:
ुचेति तत्‍पुरुष-समास ्‍पु स्‍य एव द्वौ भेदौ स्‍त:।)

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Answered on 17/02/2020 Learn Sanskrit +5 Class 6 Tuition Class 7 Tuition Class VI-VIII Tuition Class IX-X Tuition Sanskrit Language

Praveen R Bhat

Traditional teacher for Sanskrit, vyAkaraNa and Vedanta prakaraNas teaching since 4 years.

शरीरे तिष्ठति इति शरीरस्थः। One who/that which stays/remains in the body is called शरीरस्थ। Based on what follows, the visarga has become ओकार। It is an उपपद-तत्पुरुष-समास with शरीर as the उपपद and स्था as the धातु।
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Answered on 17/02/2020 Learn Sanskrit +5 Class 6 Tuition Class 7 Tuition Class VI-VIII Tuition Class IX-X Tuition Sanskrit Language

Praveen R Bhat

Traditional teacher for Sanskrit, vyAkaraNa and Vedanta prakaraNas teaching since 4 years.

भोजन + अन्ते = भोजन्अ + अन्ते = भोजन्आन्ते = भोजनान्ते। When अ/आ, इ/ई, ऋ/ॠ/ऌ are followed by their सवर्ण vowels (that is, अ/आ, इ/ई, ऋ/ॠ/ऌ respectively), both preceding and following vowels are replaced by their दीर्घ (meaning आ, ई, and ॠ) respectively.
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Answered on 04/02/2020 Learn Sanskrit +5 Class 6 Tuition Class 7 Class VI-VIII Tuition Class IX-X Tuition Sanskrit Language

Asha Kumari

Tutor for your better future.

निशा+अन्घकारे This is दीर्घ संधि (अ + अ = आ)
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Answered on 17/02/2020 Learn Sanskrit +5 Class 6 Tuition Class 7 Tuition Class VI-VIII Tuition Class IX-X Tuition Sanskrit Language

Praveen R Bhat

Traditional teacher for Sanskrit, vyAkaraNa and Vedanta prakaraNas teaching since 4 years.

अभि + आगतम् = अभ्यागतम्। यण् सन्धि says that इ/ई उ/ऊ ऋ/ॠ and ऌ followed by a vowel are replaced by य् व् र् and ल् respectively. There is an exception to the rule when the vowel following them is of the same class (सवर्ण) when they are replaced by their दीघ forms. eg, इ/ई + इ/ ई = ई, उ/ऊ +उ/ऊ = ऊ, et... read more

अभि + आगतम् = अभ्यागतम्। यण् सन्धि says that इ/ई उ/ऊ ऋ/ॠ and ऌ followed by a vowel are replaced by य् व् र् and ल् respectively. There is an exception to the rule when the vowel following them is of the same class (सवर्ण) when they are replaced by their दीघ forms. eg, इ/ई + इ/ ई = ई, उ/ऊ +उ/ऊ = ऊ, etc.

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Answered on 30/01/2020 Learn Sanskrit +5 Class 6 Tuition Class 7 Tuition Class VI-VIII Tuition Class IX-X Tuition Sanskrit Language

Prabhleen Kapoor

गृहाभ्यन्तरे सवर्ण दीर्घ
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Answered on 27/01/2020 Learn Sanskrit +5 Class 6 Tuition Class 7 Tuition Class VI-VIII Tuition Class IX-X Tuition Sanskrit Language


Professional and certified sanskrit teacher

दूर-दूर तक सुनसान इलाके में ।
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Answered on 17/02/2020 Learn Sanskrit +5 Sanskrit Language Class 6 Class 7 Tuition Class VI-VIII Tuition Class IX-X Tuition

Praveen R Bhat

Traditional teacher for Sanskrit, vyAkaraNa and Vedanta prakaraNas teaching since 4 years.

श्रूयतां धर्मसर्वस्वम्।हिन्दी।श्रूयतां (शृधातु+ विधिलिङ्। सुना जाये) धर्मसर्वस्वम् (धर्माणां सर्वस्वम्। धर्म का पूर्ण भाव/ सार)। धर्म का पूरा सुना जाये/ समझा जाये। English:श्रूयतां (शृधातु+ विधिलिङ् let it be heard) धर्मसर्वस्वम् (धर्माणां सर्वस्वम् the entirety of dharma). May the entirety of dharma... read more

श्रूयतां धर्मसर्वस्वम्।

श्रूयतां (शृधातु+ विधिलिङ्। सुना जाये) धर्मसर्वस्वम् (धर्माणां सर्वस्वम्। धर्म का पूर्ण भाव/ सार)। धर्म का पूरा सुना जाये/ समझा जाये।

श्रूयतां (शृधातु+ विधिलिङ् let it be heard) धर्मसर्वस्वम् (धर्माणां सर्वस्वम् the entirety of dharma). May the entirety of dharma be heard. May the essence of dharma be known.

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Answered on 17/02/2020 Learn Sanskrit +2 Class IX-X Tuition Sanskrit Language

Praveen R Bhat

Traditional teacher for Sanskrit, vyAkaraNa and Vedanta prakaraNas teaching since 4 years.

समरूपः शरीरसन्निवेशः। शरीरे सन्निवेशः (प्रवेशः) शरीरसन्निवेशः। Entrance into/ presence in the body is शरीरसन्निवेशः। समरूप means equally or uniformly present. It means that the presence in the body is uniform, throughout the body or even uniform across all bodies if शरीर is taken as plural in the समास/... read more

समरूपः शरीरसन्निवेशः। शरीरे सन्निवेशः (प्रवेशः) शरीरसन्निवेशः। Entrance into/ presence in the body is शरीरसन्निवेशः। समरूप means equally or uniformly present. It means that the presence in the body is uniform, throughout the body or even uniform across all bodies if शरीर is taken as plural in the समास/ compound as शरीरेषु सन्निवेशः।

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