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Get upclose with Muay Thai
by Amit Lalwani Muay Thai is the national sport of Thailand and is gaining popularity all over the world. It is very popular in Thai countries just like cricket in India. Muay Thai is an art of eight limbs where knees & elbows are used to great effect. It was considered to be a battlefield skill in olden days...
Learning Fashion Photography -- Lot More...
Being a hobbyist photographer with ardent fashion following doesn’t make one a fashion photographer. Photography is a way of looking at things. To call it merely an art is an understatement. An image has just few fractions of second to capture a person’s attention. It is towards those fractions and for that attention that...
Tips for Professional Landscape Photographers
Landscape photography is by far one of the most popular types of photography. A good number of experienced photographers spend a good amount of their time perfecting this genre of photography. There are three recognized styles of landscape photography -- abstract, impressionistic and representational. Whether you are just...
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