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Lesson Posted on 22/01/2022 Learn Diet and Nutrition

What are complex carbohydrates

B Phani Manasa

Iam an experienced, qualified dietician with over 10 years of working experience in the health care industry....

Complex carbohydrates are also called as good carbohydrates. These have higher percentage of fiber and less percent of sugar and starch. Thus body takes longer time to digest and release glucose slowly. They are found in whole grains like whole wheat, maize, pulses and legumes like tuvar dal, rajma,... read more

Complex carbohydrates are also called as good carbohydrates. These have higher percentage of fiber and less percent of sugar and starch. Thus body takes longer time to digest and release glucose slowly. They are found in whole grains like whole wheat, maize, pulses and legumes like tuvar dal, rajma, chole, chana etc, millets like ragi, jowar, bajra and nuts. 


  • Promotes weight loss
  • Maintains blood sugar levels
  • Regulates bowel movement 
  • Decreases cholesterol 
  • Reduces cravings
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Lesson Posted on 09/06/2021 Learn Diet and Nutrition +11 Fitness Health and Fitness Aerobic Bootybarre Kickboxing Tai Chi Gym Nutritional support Health Prevention Physiotherapist Dietitian

Does Spot Fat Reduction Really Exist?

Jeeva Chandran

I'm an American Certified Fitness & Health specialist/strength & Conditioning specialist and Physiotherapist...

Does Spot fat reduction exist? Big No Doing exercises for particular areas like the abdomen will not make us lose fat in that specific site as it only tones the muscle under that specific area fat. For effective fat loss: Calorie Deficit should be created by doing slow, steady-state cardio, Functional... read more

Does Spot fat reduction exist?

Big No

Doing exercises for particular areas like the abdomen will not make us lose fat in that specific site as it only tones the muscle under that specific area fat.

For effective fat loss:

  1. Calorie Deficit should be created by doing slow, steady-state cardio, Functional training and HIIT training.
  2. Increasing metabolism by practical weight training, which increases calorie burning capacity even at rest.
  3. Effectively improving fat-burning hormones and suppressing fat-storing hormones through Nutritiously dense foods and effective lifestyle measures.

Chronic calorie deficits of 500 calories per day will result in 3500 calories of fat loss in 1 week (1 lb or 0.5 kg of fat loss per week).250 calories through exercises and 250 calories through Diet

It will result in 2 kg proper fat loss per month without muscle loss which is effective fat loss. We advise a max of 4 kg fat loss per month through appropriate calorie deficit created through diet/exercise /lifestyle.

This combination will help gain good muscle and lose fat while preventing weight loss plateaus, fat regains and achieving perfect transformation by looking young and strong.

Never try to lose fat at a particular spot through exercises in a specific area which is impossible.

Thank you!

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Lesson Posted on 13/04/2021 Learn Diet and Nutrition +4 Fitness Personal Training Personal Trainer Dietitian

Lets Make Fitness Simple

Ravi Sinha

I am the Founder of Aesthetic Origins. I have been training clients for the past 7+ years now. I am an...

Let’s not overcomplicate this whole fitness thing. Quit wasting your money on fat burners, fit teas, and detox things. Start doing the obvious things you probably aren’t spending enough time on.Most importantly, remove the negative people from your life immediately.Someone recently asked... read more

Let’s not overcomplicate this whole fitness thing. Quit wasting your money on fat burners, fit teas, and detox things. Start doing the obvious things you probably aren’t spending enough time on.
Most importantly, remove the negative people from your life immediately.
Someone recently asked me how much I think genetics impact your ability to lose body fat. I said genetics move everything in life. But when it comes to fat loss, genetics are nowhere near as important as your environment.
I think this holds for pretty much everything. Yes, your genetics play a role in determining your ceiling for potential. But most people never get anywhere close to that ceiling. Much of it has to do with who you choose to surround yourself with.
You owe nothing to no one except yourself. Put yourself in a situation and environment that allows you to achieve everything you’ve ever wanted.

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Lesson Posted on 10/02/2021 Learn Diet and Nutrition

Diabetes Notes (Sample)


Diabetes: It is a metabolic disorder and not a disease. It is a condition where the amount of glucose in our blood is too high because the body cannot use it properly. It is because the pancreas doesn't produce any insulin or not enough insulin. Insulin is a hormone that facilitates glucose transfer... read more

Diabetes: It is a metabolic disorder and not a disease. It is a condition where the amount of glucose in our blood is too high because the body cannot use it properly. It is because the pancreas doesn't produce any insulin or not enough insulin. Insulin is a hormone that facilitates glucose transfer from the blood to the cells (to provide energy to the cells). In some cases, the produced insulin may not function properly, or the cells are not sensitive to insulin (known as insulin resistance or insensitivity). There are majorly three types of diabetes: 

  • Type 1 Diabetes: In type 1 diabetes, the body does not produce insulin. The body breaks down the sugars and starches you eat into a simple sugar called glucose, which it uses for energy. However, since there's a lack of insulin in the body, the glucose is not taken to the cells, and hence the blood glucose levels stay elevated. 
  • Type 2 Diabetes: In type 2 diabetes, the body does not use insulin properly. The cells are not sensitive enough to insulin and hence don't take up the glucose that is carried by the insulin. This is called insulin resistance. At first, your pancreas makes extra insulin to make up for it. Over time, it cannot keep up and can't make enough insulin to keep your blood glucose at normal levels. 
  • Gestational Diabetes: During pregnancy, usually around the 24th week, many women develop gestational diabetes. A diagnosis of gestational diabetes doesn't mean that you had diabetes before you conceived, or that you will have diabetes after giving birth. This can be temporary and reversible too.

Causes and risk factors Insulin resistance:

  • Insulin resistance is a common condition in people who are overweight, obese and are physically inactive. Muscle, fat, and liver cells stop responding appropriately to insulin, forcing the pancreas to compensate by producing extra insulin. When insulin production falters because of beta-cell dysfunction, glucose levels rise, leading to prediabetes or diabetes. 
  • Obesity and Physical Inactivity: An imbalance between caloric intake and physical activity can lead to obesity, causing insulin resistance. Central obesity, in which a person has excess abdominal fat, is a significant risk factor for diabetes. 
  • Age: The risk for type 2 diabetes increases with age, especially after 45 years of age. 
  • Family history: You and your doctor need to know if diabetes runs in your family. Your risk for diabetes is higher if your mother, father or sibling has diabetes. 
  • Stress: Stress leads to the release of cortisol hormone, which favours fat deposition, thereby increasing insulin resistance.

Signs and Symptoms:

  • Polydipsia (increased thirst)
  • Polyuria (Urinating often)
  • Polyphagia (increased hunger)
  • Feeling very tired
  • Losing weight
  • Sores that heal slowly
  • Dry, itchy skin
  • Tingling sensation
  • Blurry eyesight 

Diagnostic tests: 

Test Normal range Fasting 70-100mg/dl Post-Prandial Less than 140 mg/dl HbA1C Less than 6.3%. Random sugar level Less than 140mg/dl. 

Nutrition and Lifestyle Therapy: 

Nutrition therapy and counselling are an integral part of the treatment and self-management of diabetes. The goals of nutrition therapy are to maintain or improve quality of life and nutritional and physiological health. 

Following is the triad of diabetes: 


Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are classified into two major parts: 

  1. Simple carbohydrates are broken down and digested very rapidly. E.g., Refined sugar, honey, jaggery, fruits and fruit juices, molasses, rice, refined products like bread, maple syrup, etc. People with diabetes should go easy with simple carbohydrates. Refined sugar is something that needs to be entirely out of the diet. If required, one can opt for the natural sources of sugar like jaggery and organic honey but should be careful with consuming and complement it with a fibrous meal to take care of the blood sugar.
  2. Complex carbohydrates take longer to digest as they are packed with fibre. E.g., Whole grains, legumes, sweet potatoes, vegetables, millets, oatmeals, etc.
  • Resistant Starch: A significant proportion of starch in the regular diet escapes digestion in the stomach and small intestine and is labelled 'resistant starch', but this portion is difficult to measure and depends on several factors including the form of starch and the method of cooking before consumption. Resistant starch may modify the postprandial glycemic response, prevent hypoglycemia (drop in blood sugar), reduce hyperglycemia (spikes in blood sugar). Examples of resistant starch are raw potatoes, unripe green bananas, cooked brown rice stored for some time. For a diabetic person, the focus should be more on complex carbohydrates as it helps in the gradual release of sugar in the blood. Simple carbohydrates can be consumed in combination with complex carbohydrates (fibre) and resistant starch. Moreover, the diabetic diet should include more of low to moderate glycemic index foods.
  • Glycemic index (GI) is a ranking system for carbohydrates based on their blood glucose levels. Glycemic index is categorized as low, moderate and high GI. E.g., Low GI Foods (GI of 55 or less) - Most fruits (apple, orange, peach, citrus fruits) and vegetables (except potatoes, watermelon), whole cereals, legumes/pulses, milk, yoghurt, foods that are extremely low in carbohydrates (fish, eggs, meat, nuts, oils), nuts and seeds, mushrooms, etc. Medium GI Foods (GI of 56 to 69) - Whole wheat products, basmati rice, sweet potato, muesli, banana, unpeeled boiled potato, etc. Low GI Foods (GI of 70 and above) -Refined sugar, baked potato, watermelon, croissant, white bread, extruded cereals (e.g. rice crispies), etc.

Proteins: Proteins help reduce the meal's glycemic index in which they are present in adequate amount and the next meal, as they are processed slowly in the body. Thus, adding a fair amount of protein in every meal is of great help when regulating the blood sugar level. Proteins are made from the pool of amino acids. They are divided into two categories: First class proteins contain all the essential amino acids: E.g. Meat, fish, chicken, eggs, dairy products. Second class proteins lack one or two amino acids: E.g. Cereals, pulses, soya, etc. It's best to consume the first-class proteins to reap the benefits of all the amino acids. If the meal contains a second class protein source, then the only way to complete it is to combine it with other second-class protein sources. E.g. A cereal-pulse combination makes a complete protein (brown rice and kidney bean combo/Roti and dal/Moong khichdi/Sprouts-nous cous salad).

Fats: Like proteins, fats also help reduce the current meal's glycemic index and the next meal. It's essential to choose the right fats (MUFA and PUFA) and go easy with the bad ones that disturb the blood lipids (saturated fats, trans fats, etc.). Bad fats tend to increase insulin resistance and decrease in insulin sensitivity. 

It's best to choose lean cuts of meat. Avoid deep-frying the foods. Instead, you can bake, broil, grill, roast, or boil/steam or stirfry. Choose low-fat or fat-free dairy foods. Pick unrefined oils and not the refined ones.

Vitamins and minerals: There are certain trace minerals which help to improve insulin sensitivity. Few examples are selenium, chromium, zinc, magnesium. These are found in whole grain cereals, legumes, dairy products. Though they are required in small quantities, they play an indispensable role in regulating the blood sugar. 

Functional foods: Some superfoods provide benefits beyond essential nutrition. E.g. Fenugreek seeds, cinnamon powder, green coffee, paneer Phool (Indian rennet), Jamun seed powder, psyllium husk (fibre), bitter gourd, etc. These foods need to be essentially added to a diabetic diet as they have some significant effects on blood sugar. Nature offers a lot that can cure/heal/improve the condition without being dependent on the medications that usually have side-effects in the long run. 

B. Activity: Any physical activity will increase insulin sensitivity and lower insulin resistance. As simple as a brisk daily walk for 30-45 minutes serves the purpose too. A regular exercise routine can help one reduce the dosage of insulin-releasing pills or insulin shots. Exercise opens up the cell receptors to pass the sugar from the bloodstream to the cells. 

C. Drugs: Drugs should be the last line of treatment. The person can be on OHA's (oral hypoglycemic drugs) or insulin or both. In the case of insulin, it has to be administered exogenously in the subcutaneous fat.

Nutrition and lifestyle therapy works the best! It can be used in line with the medical treatment, and one can be slowly weaned off the medicines over time.

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Lesson Posted on 09/02/2021 Learn Diet and Nutrition

Diabetes Notes (Sample)

Debasrita Banerjee

I am a Post Graduate student in Dietetics and Applied Nutrition. I have been teaching Human Physiology,Food...

Diabetes It is a metabolic disorder and not a disease. It is a condition where the amount of glucose in our blood is too high because the body cannot use it properly. This is because the pancreas doesn’t produce any insulin, or not enough insulin. Insulin is a hormone which facilitates the transfer... read more

Diabetes It is a metabolic disorder and not a disease. It is a condition where the amount of glucose in our blood is too high because the body cannot use it properly. This is because the pancreas doesn’t produce any insulin, or not enough insulin. Insulin is a hormone which facilitates the transfer of glucose from the blood to the cells (to provide energy to the cells). In some cases, the insulin that is produced may not function properly or the cells are not sensitive to insulin (known as insulin resistance or insensitivity). There are majorly three types of diabetes: Type 1 Diabetes: In type 1 diabetes, the body does not produce insulin. The body breaks down the sugars and starches you eat into a simple sugar called glucose, which it uses for energy. However, since there’s a lack of insulin in the body, the glucose is not taken to the cells and hence the blood glucose levels stay elevated. Type 2 Diabetes: In type 2 diabetes, the body does not use insulin properly. The cells are not sensitive enough to insulin and hence don’t take up the glucose that is carried by the insulin. This is called insulin resistance. At first, your pancreas makes extra insulin to make up for it. But, over time it is not able to keep up and can't make enough insulin to keep your blood glucose at normal levels. Gestational Diabetes: During pregnancy, usually around the 24th week, many women develop gestational diabetes. A diagnosis of gestational diabetes doesn't mean that you had diabetes before you conceived, or that you will have diabetes after giving birth. This can be temporary and reversible too. Causes and risk factors Insulin resistance - Insulin resistance is a common condition in people who are overweight, obese and are physically inactive. Muscle, fat, and liver cells stop responding properly to insulin, forcing the pancreas to compensate by producing extra insulin. When insulin production falters because of beta cell dysfunction, glucose levels rise, leading to prediabetes or diabetes. Obesity and Physical Inactivity - An imbalance between caloric intake and physical activity can lead to obesity, causing insulin resistance. Central obesity, in which a person has excess abdominal fat, is a major risk factor for diabetes. Age: The risk for type 2 diabetes increases with age, especially after 45 years of age. Family history: It is important for you and your doctor to know if diabetes runs in your family. Your risk for diabetes is higher if your mother, father or sibling has diabetes. Stress: Stress leads to the release of cortisol hormone which favours fat deposition thereby increasing insulin resistance Signs and Symptoms • Polydypsia (Increased thirst) • Polyuria (Urinating often) • Polyphagia (Increased hunger) • Feeling very tired • Losing weight • Sores that heal slowly • Dry, itchy skin • Tingling sensation • Blurry eyesight Diagnostic tests Test Normal range Fasting 70-100mg/dl Post Prandial Less than 140 mg/dl HbA1C Less than 6.3% Random sugar level Less than 140mg/dl Nutrition and Lifestyle Therapy Nutrition therapy and counselling are an integral part of the treatment and self-management of diabetes. The goals of nutrition therapy are to maintain or improve quality of life and nutritional and physiological health. Following is the triad of diabetes: . Diet A. Activity B. Drugs . Diet: 1. Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are classified in two major parts: • Simple carbohydrates are broken down and digested very rapidly. E.g: Refined sugar, honey, jaggery, fruits and fruit juices, molasses, rice, refined products like breads, maple syrup, etc. Diabetics should go easy with the simple carbohydrates. Refined sugar is something that needs to be completely out of the diet. If needed, one can opt for the natural sources of sugar like jaggery and organic honey but should be careful with the time of consumption and must compliment it with a fibrous meal to take care of the blood sugar. • Complex carbohydrates take longer to digest as they are packed with fiber. E.g: Whole grains, legumes, sweet potatoes, vegetables, millets, oatmeals, etc. • Resistant Starch: A significant proportion of starch in the normal diet escapes digestion in the stomach and small intestine and is labeled 'resistant starch' but this portion is difficult to measure and depends on a number of factors including the form of starch and the method of cooking prior to consumption. Resistant starch may modify postprandial glycemic response, prevent hypoglycemia (drop in blood sugar), reduce hyperglycemia (spikes in blood sugar). Examples of resistant starch are raw potatoes, green unripe bananas, cooked brown rice stored for some time. For a diabetic person, the focus should be more on complex carbohydrates as it helps in gradual release of sugar in the blood. Simple carbohydrates can be consumed in combination with complex carbohydrates (fiber) and/or resistant starch. Moreover, diabetic diet should include more of low to moderate glycemic index foods. Glycemic index (GI) is a ranking system for carbohydrates based on their effect on blood glucose levels. Glycemic index is categorized as low, moderate and high GI. E.g: Low GI Foods (GI of 55 or less) - Most fruits (apple, orange, peach, citrus fruits) and vegetables (except potatoes, watermelon), whole cereals, legumes/pulses, milk, yoghurt, foods that are extremely low in carbohydrates (fish, eggs, meat, nuts, oils), nuts and seeds, mushrooms, etc. Medium GI Foods (GI of 56 to 69) - Whole wheat products, basmati rice, sweet potato, muesli, banana, unpeeled boiled potato, etc. Low GI Foods (GI of 70 and above) -Refined sugar, baked potato, watermelon, croissant, white bread, extruded cereals (e.g. rice crispies), etc. 2. Proteins: Proteins help to reduce the glycemic index of the meal in which they are present in adequate amount and also of the following meal, as they are processed slowly in the body. Thus, adding a good amount of protein in every meal is of great help when it comes to regulating the blood sugar level. Proteins are made from the pool of amino acids and are divided into two categories: First class proteins contain all the essential amino acids. E.g. Meat, fish, chicken, eggs, dairy products Second class proteins lack one or two amino acids: E.g. Cereals, pulses, soya, etc. It’s best to consume the first class proteins to reap the benefits of all the amino acids. If the meal contains a second class protein source, then the only way to make it complete is to combine it with other second class protein source. E.g. A cereal-pulse combination makes a complete protein (brown rice and kidney bean combo/Roti and dal/Moong khichdi/Sprouts-ncous cous salad). 3. Fats: Like proteins, fats also help to reduce the glycemix index of the current meal and the following meal. It’s important to choose the good fats (MUFA and PUFA) and go easy with the bad ones that disturb the blood lipids (saturated fats, trans fats, etc). Bad fats tend to increase insulin resistance and decrease in insulin sensitivity. • It’s best to choose lean cuts of meat. • Avoid deep frying the foods. Instead, you can bake, broil, grill, roast, or boil/steam or stirfry. • Choose low-fat or fat-free dairy foods. • Pick unrefined oils and not the refined ones. 4. Vitamins and minerals: There are certain trace minerals which help improving the insulin sensitivity. Few examples are selenium, chromium, zinc, magnesium. These are found in whole grain cereals, legumes, dairy products. Though they are required in small quantities, they play an indispensable role in regulating the blood sugar. 5. Functional foods: There are some super foods that provide benefits beyond basic nutrition. E.g. Fenugreek seeds, cinnamon powder, green coffee, paneer phool (Indian rennet), jamun seed powder, psyllium husk (fiber), bittergourd, etc. These foods need to be essentially added to a diabetic diet as they have some wondrous effects on blood sugar. Nature offers a lot that can cure/heal/improve the condition without being dependent on the medications that usually have side-effects in the long run. B. Activity: Any kind of physical activity will increase insulin sensitivity and lower insulin resistance. As simple as a daily briskwalk for 30-45 minutes serves the purpose too. A regular exercise routine can help one reduce the dosage of insulin releasing pills or insulin shots. Exercise opens up the cell receptors to pass the sugar from the bloodstream to the cells. C. Drugs: Drugs should be last line of treatment. The person can be on OHA’s (oral hypoglycemic drugs) or on insulin or on both. In case of insulin, it has to be administered exogenously in the subcutaneous fat. Nutrition and lifestyle therapy works the best! It can be used in line with the medical treatment and one can be slowly weaned off the medicines over time.

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Lesson Posted on 07/05/2020 Learn Diet and Nutrition +2 Personal Training Gym

Is Soy protein a good protein source?


I have a master's degree in physics from the erstwhile Presidency College, Kolkata. I have several certifications...

Soy protein has all the essential amino acids. Amino acids are building blocks of protein. There are some amino acids that the body can not produce and they must be taken from outside. They are called essential amino acids. A good protein source should have all the essential amino acids. Soy protein... read more

Soy protein has all the essential amino acids. Amino acids are building blocks of protein. There are some amino acids that the body can not produce and they must be taken from outside. They are called essential amino acids. A good protein source should have all the essential amino acids. 


 Soy protein is low in methionine, though. Methionine is an essential amino acid. 


 Some male doesn't like to take Soy for fear of hormonal problems as Soy has phytoestrogen, which can mimic the action of the female hormone estrogen. 


 On this note, let me point you to a meta-analysis that showed that there is no adverse effect of Soy on male s e x hormone levels. Search google with Pubmed 19524224 to read the meta-analysis.


 Should you take soy protein!! 🤔


 If you want to avoid dairy for some reason then yes, otherwise stick to whey protein. It is better than Soy in several aspects.


 Soy protein is high for vegans or people who wants to avoid dairy.

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Answered on 21/01/2020 Learn Diet and Nutrition +6 Dietitian Nutritional support Gym Gymnastic Brain Gym Other facilities offered

Kapil Kumar

Experienced and certified functional trainer

It's an online course but I would say you would get immense knowledge . Infs.co.in you will have a mentor and a group to help you out throughout
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Lesson Posted on 01/06/2019 Learn Diet and Nutrition +4 Nutritional support Health and Fitness Aerobic Dietitian

Grocery Shopping Tour

Kuldip Singh

I am a certified personal trainer and specialist in fitness nutrition from ISSA, USA. Have over 10 years...

This is a crash course on healthy shopping habits. The Grocery List - Before heading to the grocery store, prepare a comprehensive weekly shopping list. It will provide a clear direction for your shopping outing. - During this trip, you should leave with everything on your list and nothing more. The... read more

This is a crash course on healthy shopping habits.

The Grocery List

- Before heading to the grocery store, prepare a comprehensive weekly shopping list. It will provide a clear direction for your shopping outing.

- During this trip, you should leave with everything on your list and nothing more.

The Shopping Pathway

You should shop mostly around the perimeter of the grocery store. It is where you will find the majority of:

- Fruits and veggies

- Lean meats

- Whole grains

- Dairy

Short trips into the centre aisles are acceptable for specific items on the grocery list. However, these trips can lead to the selection of lower quality food items, so be careful against impulse purchases.

Locating Superfoods Items

Your list should have superfoods, and you should look for aisles that contain these foods. These foods may include the following:

- Flax seeds

- Whole oats

- Healthy oils (olive oil, fish oil, etc.)

- Whole grains

- Bulk nutrition

Be sure you know how to recognize better selections and know where to find them.

Reading the Labels

Nowadays, very few people know what to look for when checking food labels. Be sure to prioritize your search based on these parameters.

- Look for and avoid foods with trans fats.

- Look for and avoid foods with long ingredient lists containing lots of artificial ingredients and added chemicals.

- Avoid otherwise healthy products that contain additional unhealthy sugars added (sucrose, glucose, sugar, maltodextrin, corn syrup, etc.)

Bargain Hunting

- Be a discriminating shopper, choosing the best foods at the lowest prices.

- Some “healthier selections” can be quite pricey, so it’s essential to find the lowest-cost good selection.

- Typically, brand names are more expensive, so when two products have the same ingredient list, choose the less expensive one.

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Lesson Posted on 22/05/2017 Learn Diet and Nutrition +1 Dietitian

Ghee As a Health Boon

Tulika Kumari

I can teach each and every topics very easily and make it stronger for the students.

Advantages of ghee in weight loss and health: 1. Ghee has a high smoke point (250 °C 482 °F). You can cook and fry with ghee and it will not break down into free radicals like many other oils. 2. Ghee does not spoil easily so does not need refrigeration. Some ghee mixtures last up to 100... read more

Advantages of ghee in weight loss and health:

1. Ghee has a high smoke point (250 °C 482 °F).

You can cook and fry with ghee and it will not break down into free radicals like many other oils.

2. Ghee does not spoil easily so does not need refrigeration.

Some ghee mixtures last up to 100 years.

3. Buttery taste without causing dairy allergies.

Ghee is made from butter but the milk solids and impurities have been removed so most people who are lactose or casein intolerant have no issue with ghee.

Ghee has a nutty buttery taste without disturbing dairy sensitivities.

High Nutrition:

4. Ghee is rich in the oil soluble vitamins A and E.

5. Ghee is rich in K2 and CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid): an antioxidant with anti-viral properties if it is sourced from grass fed cows.

Energy and Weight Management.

Ghee is converted directly into energy like carbohydrates.

6. Ghee is Nutritionally Rich Like Coconut Oil. Ghee is rich in medium chain fatty acids which are absorbed directly to the liver (like carbs) and burnt as energy. Athletes can use ghee as a consistent energy source.

7. Weight LossThe energy from these medium chain fatty acids can be used to burn other fats in the system and lose weight.

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Answered on 20/07/2021 Learn Diet and Nutrition

Naba Rahman

First, you need to keep up to date with the products you are consuming; they are not degraded & of the best quality; for food safety, ensure that the food packets contain the "FSSAI" mark they are safe to use. The food products must meet the standards that the government makes. To prevent food hazards,... read more

First, you need to keep up to date with the products you are consuming; they are not degraded & of the best quality; for food safety, ensure that the food packets contain the "FSSAI" mark they are safe to use. The food products must meet the standards that the government makes. To prevent food hazards, it must have good manufacturing practices (GMP), Good Handling Practices (GHP), Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP).

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