Address: Nizampet Road Kukatpally Hyderabad -500072 , Hyderabad - 500072
Locality: Kukatpally (Find more Kukatpally schools)
Phone: 040-23045005 040-23041852, 040-23041854
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Upload it now!Huge grounds , Nice and wide classrooms , Interactive teaching methods, Cbse cirriculam. I like the school. Personal attention to the kids.
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Madhavi 15/12/2014
nipun 21/02/2013
satyavathi 21/02/2013
My child was a little weak when we moved him from sri chaitanya to Vignan Bo tree school. They give coaching to the children after the school hours . Remedial class helped my child, now he scores above average. Teaching method is also play way method . He not only understands the concepts but knows how and where to apply them.
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