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Lesson Posted on 26/05/2021 Learn BTech 1st Year Engineering +3 Engineering Diploma Tuition Mechanical Engineering Drawing Material Science and Metallurgy

Material Science and Metallurgy

Yogesh Dhage

I am engineer. 10 year of teaching Experience in this field. I am giving home/online/tutor home tuition...

Hello, I would like to show very first how to visualize the subject. For this, we should have total concentration. To avoid obstacle coming in front of us, we will follow the following steps. Close your eyes, try to identify any Object.,Whatever it may be and ask the following questions yourself. What... read more


I would like to show very first how to visualize the subject. For this, we should have total concentration. To avoid obstacle coming in front of us, we will follow the following steps.

Close your eyes, try to identify any Object.,Whatever it may be and ask the following questions yourself.

  1. What is that object made from?
  2. What are the properties that an object supposed to have to perform functional need?
  3. Is that object has this property by birth, or it introduced by some mean? If yes, what are that processes?
  4. How one can come to know the properties of any object? Available instruments for that.
  5. What might be failure problems faced by that object, and what preventive measures we can do?

This is a reverse engineering way of learning and teaching,


  1. I imagine object_ Helmet.
  2. It should be tough enough if impact occurs on it and at the same time smooth inside to protect the head from injury.
  3. All those things not by birth and artificially added by material selection to selecting mfg, the process followed with Heat Treatment.
  4. Confirmation properties by Impact Test, Hardness Test, etc.
  5. It may corrode, get scratched, and wear tear, so the appropriate coating is necessary for the same.

These all things you will get from nothing from Material Science and Metallurgy subject. All that complicated things we have to step by in this subject.

I hope you will better understand the importance of this subject.

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Lesson Posted on 27/08/2019 Learn BTech 1st Year Engineering

please click the below link in addressbar and type password ,then my demo vedio will come.


Demo-1 Video Link: https://vimeo.com/325352504 Password: C_NIT read more
Password: C_NIT
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Lesson Posted on 24/07/2019 Learn BTech 1st Year Engineering +3 Algorithms Computer science Programming Languages



INTRODUCTION: The word algorithm is named after the ninth century scholar 'Abu Jafar Muhammad Ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi'. An algorithm is a step-by-step procedure by which a computer can produce the required outputs from the available inputs. An algorithm must have a finite set of steps in reaching the... read more



The word algorithm is named after the ninth century scholar 'Abu Jafar Muhammad Ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi'. An algorithm is a step-by-step procedure by which a computer can produce the required outputs from the available inputs. An algorithm must have a finite set of steps in reaching the solution of the problem. We can say that an algorithm is a set of rules that precisely (unambiguously) defines the sequence of operations that have to be performed to generate the required output.

An algorithm can be written in English-like language. But since the English language is not precise, most algorithms are written in a notation called pseudocode. Pseudocode looks like statements from a programming language, but it will not run on any computer. Pseudocode is simple, readable, and has no grammatical rules. The words algorithm and pseudocodes are often used interchangeably.

An algorithm is useful because it can be used to state the sequence of steps that will eventually lead to the correct output. While writing an algorithm, the programmer need not be concerned about the syntax of the programming language. Thus, an algorithm can be used to write the program in any programming language because the logical steps are given in the algorithm. An algorithm can also be used to reduce the number of steps in computation and increase the speed of computation.

The three types of algorithms we will study here are:

  1. Based on input-process-output: In this type, we take input from the user, use a formula for calculations, and display (output) the result.
  2. Based on input-decision-process-output: In this type, we take input from the user, check whether the input is correct, and then use a formula for calculations, and display (output) the result. If the input is invalid, we terminate the process.
  3. Based on simple loops: In this type, we take input from the user, use a formula for calculations, and display (output) the result. We then perform the steps all over again as many times as indicated by the user or till a condition is true. These types of algorithms will usually also involve decision making.

Examples Based on Input-Process-Output:

Example 1: Computing the total marks obtained by a student

Let us consider a simple example of calculating the total marks obtained by a student in three subjects. The following algorithm shows the steps in performing this calculation. Observe that the sequence of steps is important; we cannot change the sequence because it is in a logical order.

  • Enter the marks of subject 1 (let us call this as MKS1).
  • Enter the marks of subject 2 (MKS2)
  • Enter the marks of subject 3 (MKS3).
  • Calculate total marks : Total = MKS1 + MKS2 + MKS3
  • Display MKS1, MKS2, MKS3, and Total.


Example 2: Algorithm to convert an amount in US Dollars into equivalent amount in Indian rupees.

  • Enter the amount in US dollars (let us call this as D).
  • Let conversion rate be 1 US dollar = INR 55
  • Amount in Indian rupees ( R ) = D * 55
  • Display the amount in US dollars and the amount in Indian rupees.


Examples based on Input-Decision-Process-Output

Example 3: An algorithm for a simple calculator:

  1. Get two numbers (A and B) and the operation desired.
  2. Check the operation:
    • If the operation is addition, the result is A + B.
    • If the operation is subtraction, the result is A - B.
    • If the operation is multiplication, the result is A * B.
    • If the operation is division, check the second number.
      • If the second number (B) is zero, create an error message (since division by zero is not defined)
      • If the second number (B) is not zero, the result is A / B
  1. Display the result or the error message.

Example 4: An algorithm to find the largest of three numbers.

  • Read the numbers A, B and C.
  • Max = A (Assume A is the largest number)
  • If B > Max, then Max = B
  • If C > Max, Max = C
  • Display Max


Examples based on loops

Example 5: Write an algorithm to find the sum of first 10  numbers (i.e. 1+2+3+4+…+ 10)

  • Initialize sum S = 0.
  • Initialize N = 1. (N is a variable that we will take on different values from 1 to 10)
  • Calculate S = S + N.
  • Calculate N = N+1.
  • If N > 10, then go to step 6 else go to step 3.
  • Display the sum S.

Example 6:  An algorithm for a simple ATM machine:

The following example illustrates an algorithm for a simple ATM machine.

  1. Insert the ATM card into the slot.
  2. Get the password from the user.
  3. If the password is not valid, display an error message and go to step 7.
  4. Get the inputs:
    • Get the type of transaction (deposit or withdrawal) and the amount from the user.
    • Get the current balance from the bank.
  5. If the transaction type is deposit, add the amount to the current balance.
  6. If the transaction type is withdrawal, check the current balance.
    • If amount is greater than the current balance, display an error message and go to step 7
    • If amount is equal to or less than the current balance, subtract the amount from the current balance.
  7. Output the error message or the cash, and display the current balance.
  8. Ask the user whether to repeat steps 1 through 6 for another transaction.


The Efficiency of Algorithms:

An efficient algorithm must utilise effectively all the available resources of a computer system. The two most important resources in a computer system are CPU time and primary memory (RAM). An efficient algorithm must run as quickly as possible (i.e. occupy least amount of CPU time), and use as little memory as possible. The following points must be kept in mind for designing efficient algorithms:

  1. Avoid redundant computations: If any calculation is likely to be repeated, it is better to do that calculation once instead of doing it inside a loop. For example, suppose the bonus of all employees must be Rs 5000, then it is better to do this assignment once before a loop.
  2. Do not provide more tests than necessary to solve a problem. For example, suppose we are searching for a particular name in an alphabetically ordered list of names. Suppose we are looking for a name POOJA. Since the list is arranged alphabetically, if we come across the name PRIYA without locating POOJA, it means that POOJA is not in the list. Hence there is no need to search till the end.
  3. The algorithm should be capable of detecting the desired output condition and stop immediately. For example, consider the job of sorting a list of names in alphabetical order. When the given data is sorted, the algorithm should stop.
  4. Algorithms should use the least number of loops.

 Qualities of Good Algorithms:

  1. Each statement of an algorithm must have a clear and unambiguous meaning.
  2. The algorithm must be executed in a finite time.
  3. They are simple but offer general solutions to problems.
  4. They are easily understood by others, hence it is easy to write algorithms.
  5. They can be modified easily.
  6. They give correct solutions for clearly defined problems.
  7. Efficient algorithms help in economical use of computer time (CPU time), main memory and secondary storage devices.
  8. They are documented well enough to be understood and used by others.
  9. They are not dependent on a particular programming language or computer.
  10. They can be used as part of other more complex problems.



  1. Define the term algorithm.
  2. What are the three different types of algorithms you have encountered in this chapter?
  3. What are the qualities of a good algorithm?
  4. What is meant by an efficient algorithm? Explain.
  5. Write an algorithm to calculate the area of a circle when the radius is input (A = π r2).
  6. Write an algorithm to compute the simple interest and total amount due to be paid to a customer on a Principal amount P, kept in a bank for T years at interest rate R. The formula for simple interest is I = PRT/100.
  7. Write an algorithm to find the sum of first p natural numbers where p is entered by the user.
  8. Write an algorithm to find the sum of first 10 even integers.
  9. Write an algorithm to read a series of numbers until the number -99 is encountered. Compute an print the total and average of these numbers, excluding -99 from these calculations.
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Answered on 13/06/2018 Learn BTech 1st Year Engineering

Nallella Ramesh

Helping Students to Reach their Potential 😊

Laplace transform is similar to the fourier transform,but it represented in s- domain i.e it takes the real variable t to complex variable s .But fourier transform is fail to represents frequency spectrm of Niether energy nor power signal,then at that moment we use the Laplace transform. read more

Laplace transform is similar to the fourier transform,but it represented in s- domain i.e it takes the real variable t to complex variable s [+jW].But fourier transform is fail to represents frequency spectrm of Niether energy nor power signal,then at that moment we use the Laplace transform.


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Lesson Posted on 15/03/2018 Learn BTech 1st Year Engineering +2 Physics Science

A Brief Intro into Electromagnetism

Aritra Majumder

I am an experienced, qualified teacher and tutor with over five years of experience in teaching Physics,...

The topics covered in this part are given below: • Oersted’ Experiment • Magnetic Field • Moving Charge & Magnetic Field • Lorentz Force • Magnetic force on a current-carrying conductor • The motion of a charged particle in a... read more

The topics covered in this part are given below:

     • Oersted’ Experiment

     • Magnetic Field

     • Moving Charge & Magnetic Field

     • Lorentz Force

     • Magnetic force on a current-carrying conductor

     • The motion of a charged particle in a Magnetic Field

     • The motion of a charge in Combined Electric and Magnetic Fields

     • Cyclotron

Electromagnetism is a branch of Physics, deals with the electromagnetic force that occurs between electrically charged particles. The electromagnetic force is one of the four fundamental forces and exhibits electromagnetic fields such as magnetic fields, electric fields, and light. It is the basic reason electrons bound to the nucleus and responsible for the complete structure of the nucleus.

Before the invention of electromagnetism, people or scientists used to think magnetism and electricity are two different topics. The view has changed after James Clerk Maxwell published A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism in the year 1873. The publication states that the interaction of positive and negative charges are mediated by one force. This observation laid the foundation to Electromagnetism. Later many scientists like Michael Faraday, Oliver Heaviside, and Heinrich Hertz contributed their ideas in electromagnetism.

Electromagnetism is a process where the magnetic field is created by introducing current in the conductor. When a conductor is electrically charged it generates magnetic lines of force of conductor. For example, if current i.e., positive charges moving in a wire, it produces the magnetic field along the wire and the direction of magnetic lines, and force can be determined using Right Hand Rule.

Oersted’ Experiment

During a lecture demonstration in 1820, the Danish physicist Hans Christian Oersted noticed that a current in a straight wire caused a noticeable deflection in a nearby magnetic compass needle. He further investigated this phenomenon and confirmed the phenomenon of the magnetic field around current carrying conductor.

Magnetic Field

It is the space around a magnet or current carrying conductor around which magnetic effects can be experienced. It is a vector quantity and its SI unit is Tesla (T) or Wb/m2.


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Lesson Posted on 06/11/2017 Learn BTech 1st Year Engineering +3 Basic Electrical and Electronics Basic Electrical Technology Basic Electronics

Introduction To Network Theory (For EE/EEE students)

Mukesh Kumar Sahu

I can guide the students in all the possible areas of mine and can able to answer each and every topics...

Network: In general Network is the interconnection of various horizontal and vertical lines in a regular fashion. Electrical Network: (Logically speaking) It is the interconnection of all the electrical elements in a regular fashion to perform a specific tasks. Electrical Circuits: Moreover... read more
Network: In general Network is the interconnection of various horizontal and vertical lines in a regular fashion.
  • Electrical Network: (Logically speaking) It is the interconnection of all the electrical elements in a regular fashion to perform a specific tasks.
  • Electrical Circuits: Moreover an electrical circuit is a network itself but it possess a closed path always, to make a circulation of currents inside the circuit.
  • So, we can say that every circuit is a network but every network is not a circuit.
The evaluation of the Network Theory is divided into 2 parts:
• Network Analysis: Where excitation (input) to the system is given and circuit elements are also given, and You have to find out the response (output) of the system.
• Network Synthesis: Here input and output are given and you are asked to find out the circuit components (like what is present in the working components of the circuit and their configurations).
Thanking you for reading.
The feature blogs on the network’s will be continuing in short time.
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Asked on 02/08/2017 Learn BTech 1st Year Engineering

I am a working professional and starting my education after 13 years, I am really struggling in first... read more
I am a working professional and starting my education after 13 years, I am really struggling in first semester on my online program. The subjects are calculus, electrical &electronics technology, MATLAB and engineering materials. I am looking for a support to complete my first semester with my understanding. read less


Lesson Posted on 14/07/2017 Learn BTech 1st Year Engineering +3 Advanced C++ Basic C++ Basics of C Programming

Importance Of Function Prototype In C

Sunil Yadav

I started teaching in 2011 while pursuing my computer science degree. And, now it has been a wonderful...

Function prototype tells compiler about number of parameters function takes, data-types of parameters and return type of function. By using this information, compiler cross checks function parameters and their data-type with function definition and function call. If we ignore function prototype, program... read more

Function prototype tells compiler about number of parameters function takes, data-types of parameters and return type of function. By using this information, compiler cross checks function parameters and their data-type with function definition and function call. If we ignore function prototype, program may compile with warning, and may work properly. But some times, it will give strange output and it is very hard to find such programming mistakes. Let us see with examples:

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    FILE *fp;
    fp = fopen(argv[1], "r");
    if (fp == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", strerror(errno));
        return errno;
    printf("file exist\n");
    return 0;
Above program checks existence of file, provided from command line, if given file is exist, then the program prints “file exist”, otherwise it prints appropriate error message. Let us provide a filename, which does not exist in file system, and check the output of program on x86_64 architecture.
[narendra@/media/partition/GFG]$ ./file_existence hello.c
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Why this program crashed, instead it should show appropriate error message. This program will work fine on x86 architecture, but will crash on x86_64 architecture. Let us see what was wrong with code. Carefully go through the program, deliberately I haven’t included prototype of “strerror()” function. This function returns “pointer to character”, which will print error message which depends on errno passed to this function. Note that x86 architecture is ILP-32 model, means integer, pointers and long are 32-bit wide, that’s why program will work correctly on this architecture. But x86_64 is LP-64 model, means long and pointers are 64 bit wide. In C language, when we don’t provide prototype of function, the compiler assumes that function returns an integer. In our example, we haven’t included “string.h” header file (strerror’s prototype is declared in this file), that’s why compiler assumed that function returns integer. But its return type is pointer to character. In x86_64, pointers are 64-bit wide and integers are 32-bits wide, that’s why while returning from function, the returned address gets truncated (i.e. 32-bit wide address, which is size of integer on x86_64) which is invalid and when we try to dereference this address, the result is segmentation fault.

Now include the “string.h” header file and check the output, the program will work correctly.

[narendra@/media/partition/GFG]$ ./file_existence hello.c
No such file or directory

Consider one more example:

int main(void)
    int *p = malloc(sizeof(int));
    if (p == NULL) {
        return -1;
    *p = 10;
    return 0;
Above code will work fine on IA-32 model, but will fail on IA-64 model. Reason for failure of this code is we haven’t included prototype of malloc() function and returned value is truncated in IA-64 model.
source: http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/importance-of-function-prototype-in-c/
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Answered on 31/01/2017 Learn BTech 1st Year Engineering +1 BTech Tuition

Prashanth Kannadaguli

BEST Technical Trainer & Freelancer

Transpose co-factor matrix.
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