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Lesson Posted on 18/10/2023 Learn Campus Placement Training +2 IELTS for Study Business English

🌍📚 Study Abroad - The Ultimate Dream Adventure for Students and Parents! 🌟

Deepa Jagtap

I am an Educationist with more than 18 years of experience, and have done several programs for Teacher/Tutor...

Introduction: Studying abroad isn't just a dream; it's an epic adventure that students and parents alike yearn for! It's all about embarking on a thrilling journey that promises global exposure, quality education, exciting career opportunities, and personal growth. 🚀 In this write-up, we'll... read more


Studying abroad isn't just a dream; it's an epic adventure that students and parents alike yearn for! It's all about embarking on a thrilling journey that promises global exposure, quality education, exciting career opportunities, and personal growth. 🚀 In this write-up, we'll show you why studying abroad is the dream of every student and how it can turn your education into a life-changing rollercoaster!

  1. Global Exposure 🌎🤝:

Picture this: Making friends from around the world, immersing yourself in vibrant cultures, and gaining a truly global perspective! Studying abroad isn't just about books; it's about experiencing the world in all its beauty, diversity, and wonder. 🌟

  1. Quality Education 🎓💡:

Top-notch universities are like treasure chests of knowledge! 🏰 Renowned institutions in the USA, UK, Australia, and Canada offer cutting-edge education, brilliant professors, and world-class resources. It's the ultimate quest for excellence! 🌟

  1. Career Opportunities 💼🌐:

Ready for the adventure of a lifetime? Employers love candidates who have faced challenges head-on, adapted to new environments, and developed outstanding cross-cultural skills. Studying abroad can be your secret weapon to unlocking international job opportunities! 🌟

  1. Personal Growth 🌱🌟:

Studying abroad is like a character-building RPG. It's not just about grades; it's about becoming a stronger, more independent, and culturally-aware individual. You'll level up your life skills and gain a new perspective on the world. 🌟

  1. Language Proficiency 🗣️🌟:

Want to master a new language? Immersion is the magic potion! 🪄 Dive into a foreign culture, embrace the local lingo, and you'll return home as a linguistic wizard. Your newfound language skills are your golden ticket to global adventures! 🌟

  1. Networking 🌐🤝:

Collecting allies from all corners of the world - that's what studying abroad is all about! 🌍 Forge connections with peers, mentors, and experts worldwide. This epic network can be your compass in both your personal and professional quests! 🌟

  1. Adventure and Exploration 🌏🌆:

This isn't just a textbook journey; it's an action-packed adventure! 🌟 Taste new cuisines, conquer foreign destinations, and fill your life with unforgettable moments. Travel while studying abroad is like a never-ending quest for epic experiences! 🌟


Studying abroad isn't just a dream; it's the adventure of a lifetime! 🌟 It's the journey that'll transform you academically, personally, and professionally. It's the ultimate quest for knowledge and self-discovery, where every day is a new page in your epic story. 📖 For students and parents, it's the dream that sparks excitement and opens the doors to a brighter, more adventurous future! 🚀💫

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Lesson Posted on 27/08/2020 Learn Campus Placement Training +18 Personality Development Training Life Coaching Life Skills Coaching Soft Skills Training Soft Skills Soft Skills for Business Software Configuration Management Course Health and Fitness Meditation Spiritual Workshop Communication Skills Training Training and Development Analytical Instruments Training Interview prep Goal Setting Training Public Speaking Training Time Management Training Spoken English

Concept of Personality from Kathopnishad

Dr. Bharat Chaugule

I am providing online & offline classes on training, counselling and transformation life coaching for...

Concept of Personality from Kathopnishad Kathopnishad explains personality in a very excellent way. It resembles with Chariot (Rath). Chariot is the body; Five horses are five senses, Reign is Manas, Charioteer is Intellect and master is sitting in a chariot. If horses are well trained, the charioteer... read more

Concept of Personality from Kathopnishad

Kathopnishad explains personality in a very excellent way. It resembles with Chariot (Rath). Chariot is the body; Five horses are five senses, Reign is Manas, Charioteer is Intellect and master is sitting in a chariot. 

If horses are well trained, the charioteer is awakened, Rein also under control, but chariot is not in good condition. Do you think that that chariot can reach the destination?

No. Not at all possible.

If Chariot is in good condition, the charioteer is awakened, Rein also under control, but horses are not broken or trained do you feel that chariot will reach its destination?

No. Not Possible 

If Chariot is in good condition, horses are trained, Rein also under control, but charioteer is sleeping do you feel that chariot will reach its destination?

No. Not Possible

If Chariot is in good condition, horses are trained, the charioteer is awakened, but rein is not under control do you feel that chariot will reach its destination?

No. Not Possible

Same thing applicable to us also. 

If Five senses are under control, Mind in control, Intellect also awaken, but the body is not in good condition. We can not achieve our goal of life. 

If the body is in good condition, Mind is under control, Intellect also awakens, but senses are not under control. We can not achieve our goal of life.

 If the body is in good condition, Intellect also awaken, five senses are under control, but the mind is not under control, We can not achieve our goal of life.

If the body is in good condition, five senses are under control, mind is under control, but Intellect is in dormant, We can not achieve our goal of life.

Conclusion: Congruency is needed in body, mind, senses, and intellect to achieve the goal of life.

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Lesson Posted on 25/08/2020 Learn Campus Placement Training +13 Personal Trainer Life Skills Coaching Life Coaching Personality Development Training Spirituality and Mind Spiritual Workshop Soft Skills Training Meditation Dietitian Health and Physical Education Communication Skills Training Interview prep Training and Development

What is Spirituality?

Dr. Bharat Chaugule

I am providing online & offline classes on training, counselling and transformation life coaching for...

What is Spirituality? What is Spirituality? Becoming life sensitive. Expanding Consciousness Being Aware Becoming aesthetic (Finding beauty everywhere) In search of peace of mind Transcending sufferings or pain Going beyond five senses Going beyond the materialistic world Thinking about... read more

What is Spirituality?

What is Spirituality?

  1. Becoming life sensitive.
  2. Expanding Consciousness
  3. Being Aware
  4. Becoming aesthetic (Finding beauty everywhere)
  5. In search of peace of mind 
  6. Transcending sufferings or pain
  7. Going beyond five senses 
  8. Going beyond the materialistic world
  9. Thinking about who created this universe, What will happen after death? From where I came?
  10. Realizing the self
  11. Searching for"I".
  12. Insereach or seeking the truth. 
  13. Want to understand reality.
  14. Developing love and compassion
  15. Becoming thoughtless
  16. Seeing things as it is.
  17. Dissolving Ego
  18. Stoping desire
  19. Becoming selfless
  20. Acceptance in the world
  21. Law of less effort
  22. Becoming Shunya or empty
  23. Undualiy or Adawit
  24. Christ consciousness or cosmic consciousness
  25. Seeking permanent.
  26. Experience of oneness
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Lesson Posted on 05/08/2020 Learn Campus Placement Training +15 Personality Development Training Life Coaching Life Skills Coaching Health and Fitness Soft Skills Training Soft Skills Communication Skills Training Word Problems Interview prep Spiritual Workshop Meditation Yoga Meditation Personal Grooming Personal Trainer Public Speaking Training

Problem Solving

Dr. Bharat Chaugule

I am providing online & offline classes on training, counselling and transformation life coaching for...

Problem-solving What is the Problem? Generally, I asked this question in my workshops many times to my participants, "what is the problem?", that time they replied My Boss is a problem, my mother is a problem, my father is a problem, my employees are a problem, my neighbour is a problem, the situation... read more


What is the Problem?

Generally, I asked this question in my workshops many times to my participants, "what is the problem?",  that time they replied My Boss is a problem, my mother is a problem, my father is a problem, my employees are a problem, my neighbour is a problem, the situation is a problem, hurdles are the problem. Different answers came from their side. 

Do you feel these are the problems no certainly not? 

Approach to problem-solving: The difference or gap between the desired state and the present state is the problem. It means where you are now and what you want to become in between gap is the problem.

Gap Analysis?

Understanding the gap analysis is very essential to solve any problem. The gap may be Qualification, Knowledge, skills, attitudes etc.

  1. Knowledge
  2. Attitude
  3. Skills Set :
  • Hard skills
  • Technical skills
  • Soft skills
  • Life skills
  • Professional Skills
  • Analytical skills
  • Enterprising skills etc.

Thinking out of box

As Einstein rightly said On which level of thinking we have created a problem we can not solve on the same level of thinking.


If we will change the frame automatically perception changes

Reference point

If we change our reference point, we can easily change our model of reality and take decisions without bias.

Changing the perceptual positions 

We are habitual for one type of thinking pattern and view once we change our position and can from others position we get a better understanding about situations. 


If we will develop the skills seeing the things as it is we can avoid any problem. 

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Lesson Posted on 04/08/2020 Learn Campus Placement Training +16 Personality Development Training Communication Skills Communication Skills Training Life Coaching Life Skills Coaching Soft Skills Training Soft Skills for Business Spirituality and Mind Spiritual Workshop Art of Living Mid Brain Activation Health and Fitness Personal Grooming Personal Training Psychology For Health And Well-Being Spoken English

NLP (Neuro Lingustic Programming) & Purpose of Communication

Dr. Bharat Chaugule

I am providing online & offline classes on training, counselling and transformation life coaching for...

NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) & Purpose of communication What is NLP? NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) is a simple and skilful method to understand what is going on inside the mind of a person, how he or she think, perceive and process the information. Dr Richard Bandler and Dr John Grinder... read more

NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) & Purpose of communication

What is NLP?

NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) is a simple and skilful method to understand what is going on inside the mind of a person, how he or she think, perceive and process the information. Dr Richard Bandler and Dr John Grinder around 1970 at California University did a lot of research. They developed a new technology they combined Virginia stairs Family therapy, Friz Perls Gestalt therapy and Milton Erickson's Hypnotherapy.   

Purpose of Communication: 

After 15 years of research around 1985, Dr John Grinder, who was a linguistic professor at California University, concludes that people are not communicating randomly. They have intention behind the communication. 

So he concluded that the meaning of communication is to get the response. 

Useful tips for effective communication: 

  • Purpose of communication has to be clear.
  • To fulfil the intention of communication one must-have a strategy
  • One must have to give meaning to it.
  • If you are not getting the desired result change your strategy.
  • Develop flexibility 
  • Respect the others model of reality
  • See the verbal and non-verbal cues
  • constrain the emotions
  • Simplify the language
  • Listen actively 
  • Be empathetic
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Answered on 27/03/2020 Learn Campus Placement Training

Rakesh Radhakrishnan

Learning programs to help you be your best self and excel both in professional and personal spheres.

Ways to improve English and enrich your vocabulary : *, READ ENGLISH BOOKS & ARTICLES*You must have a daily habit of reading every day!Reading is a fantastic way to help you with your spoken English. You will learn new words and phrases, plus it will help you remember English grammar.You can read... read more

Ways to improve English and enrich your vocabulary :


You must have a daily habit of reading every day!
Reading is a fantastic way to help you with your spoken English. You will learn new words and phrases, plus it will help you remember English grammar.
You can read whatever you want, *but you must read.*
Read novels, stories, the news, history, websites or comics — no problem. *But learn something every day.*
Take whatever you are reading and *read out loud.* Go somewhere to a quiet place
Don't read out quietly!
*Readout with a loud voice*. It is a great way to help you with spoken English.
All you have to do is look at the reading material and read it aloud.

English collocations are groups of words that are usually used together as a phrase. They are very common in English.
By learning these, you will make your English sound more fluent, more natural, more like a native speaker.
These are some examples of English collocations:
Go on a trip
Take a nap
Make a suggestion
Get permission
Do my hair
Have lunch
There are English collocations everywhere you look.
Any time you find a new English collocation, write it down in your notebook.
It will help you with your spoken English.
Shadowing is an excellent technique devised to speak fluently.

To do the shadowing exercise, you will need the following items:
A smartphone
An English audio recording — maybe a podcast or a news report
A transcript of the record — this is all the words said in the podcast typed out for you to read
A pair of earphones
A small amount of courage!
Once you have all of these things, then you need to follow these steps:
Listen to the podcast or news recording. Is it too easy? Too difficult? It has to be something at YOUR level but with just the right amount of challenge for you.
Listen again and again until you can understand as much of it as you can. You need to be able to understand what the speakers are saying and the context of the podcast or news report.
Yes, there will be words you do not understand — don't worry about that. As long as you know most of it, that is enough.
Listen again, but this time read the transcript to find out all the new and challenging words. Pay close attention to these words. Look them up in a dictionary.
Listen to the sound of these new words.
Listen again and — as the speaker is speaking on the podcast — read out the transcript at the same time.
There should be a slight delay between the speaker and your voice. It is the 'shadowing' aspect of this exercise.
Repeat this section a few times until you feel comfortable saying most of the transcript.
Now go outside. Take your smartphone and earphones with you.
Go outside and walk around at a quick pace.
Get your energy levels high!
Play the recording on your phone and repeat everything you hear. You should know most of it from practising stage four.
No, you will not get all of it right. You will make mistakes. But don't worry!
Keep your head up, walk at a quick pace, and look in front of you with confidence.
I can promise you this has a potent psychological effect!
Keep trying. Try to repeat all that you hear. Speak loudly and clearly.
You might feel very shy to do this at first, but it will make you feel more confident later.
This exercise can help you with speaking English
Keep doing it until you can say all the recording without making any mistakes.

There are a few different methods you can try on your own. These can also help you with English speaking.
Watching English-language movies
Talking to yourself in the mirror
Reading out loud
The point is, it all comes down to how much work you are prepared to do.
The more you put into it, the more you will get from it.
If you go to the gym only once a week for three hours, how much benefit are you going to get from it?
What about if you went to the gym every day for 45 minutes?
It is much better to practice English every day for just a short time than to do marathon sessions once a week.
All the best in your learning journey:) make the best use of this time to sharpen your skills.

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Lesson Posted on 03/10/2019 Learn Campus Placement Training

Career guidance


How to choose the correct path. That is the major question what we have in our mind After 10th we have multiple directions for settled in good position for example after 10th someone have a dream to become doctor and someone have a dream to become engineer. I think most of them are going in these... read more

How to choose the correct path.  That is the major question what we have in our mind 

After 10th we have multiple directions for settled in good position for example after 10th someone have a dream to become doctor and someone have a dream to become engineer. I think most of them are going in these directions only.  Most of the student not studying about their passion they are only selecting studying because of their friends impact. Suppose if anyone who wants to go for engineering section most of them are opting intermediate and few people only go for diploma I don't think many of the people known about NTTF ofcourse NTTF is like diploma once if it complete we have many ways to get the job quickly. If not get the job will get into b.tech

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Lesson Posted on 20/05/2019 Learn Campus Placement Training +5 ENGLISH Engineering Entrance Coaching Verbal Reasoning Verbal Aptitude IBPS PO Mains


Vivek Kumar R

I am a Career Development Trainer & have over 7 years of experience in training students from various...

LESSON 1: "Benefit" stands for something good.everyone one us know this lets learn words that has the same root as benefit & give very similar meanings so 1.Bene-good Benefactor-A person who does something good to people or an individual or a person who is the reason for a good to happen is a... read more


"Benefit" stands for something good.everyone one us know this lets learn words that has the same root as benefit & give very similar meanings



Benefactor-A person who does something good to people or an individual or a person who is the reason for a good to happen is a benefactor.

Beneficiary-A person who gets benefited by a good thing is termed as a beneficiary.

Benefaction-Process of doing something good to someone is termed as Benefaction.

Benediction-Speaking something good or blessing is termed as Benediction.

Benevolent-having a good heart or having the heart to serve people is termed as benevolent.

Benefice-An appointment at church for  doing good things and income from it is termed as benefice.


For example we have words like malfunction,malnutrition & malpractice.All of these words give the meaning bad.So with that we can learn words like

Malefactor-A person who does something bad to people or an individual or a person who is the reason for a bad to happen is a malefactor.

Maleficiary-A person who suffers a harm is termed as a maleficiary.

Malefaction-Process of doing something bad to someone is termed as malefaction.

Malediction-Speaking something bad or curse is termed as malediction.

Malevolent-having a bad heart or a person know from his ill activities is termed as malevolent.

malefice-A person known to do evil or bad things is termed as malefice.An evil sorcery.


Forget the pain of remembering vocabulary.

Make vocabulary learning fun & easy.

Thank you.

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Lesson Posted on 18/04/2018 Learn Campus Placement Training +10 Bank Clerical Exam Coaching Banking & Financial Awareness IBPS CLERICAL IBPS PO Prelims QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE Reasoning Ability Series Staff Selection Commission Exam Railway Exam Interview prep


Resoluter Learning Solutions

Guidance for SSC, Banking, Railways, Management Entrances & other Competitive Examination: IBPS PO /...

INTRODUCTION Questions on series are now extremely common in all the Prelims and Mains exams. They are generally of three types – number, letter and alphanumeric – but the most commonly asked questions are on number series. NUMBER SERIES You are given a sequence of numbers that... read more


Questions on series are now extremely common in all the Prelims and Mains exams. They are generally of three types – number, letter and alphanumeric – but the most commonly asked questions are on number series.


You are given a sequence of numbers that follow a common pattern. You need to understand this pattern and either identify the next term (more common) or find a missing term. There are infinite number of ways to create a number series by using one or more patterns. However, with practice you can start identifying the more common patterns such as difference, product, ratio, squares, cubes, powers factorials etc. Some basic series are:

Even Numbers: 2, 4, 6, 8…

Odd Numbers: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 …

Prime Numbers: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17 …

Composite Numbers: 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15 …

Squares: 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, ….

Cubes: 1, 8, 27, 64, 125, 216, …

Factorials: 1, 2, 6, 24, 120, 720, ….

Note that ‘1’ is neither prime nor composite. Depending on the numbers used, a series can be increasing, decreasing or alternate. The common patterns used to create number series are:


This is the most basic and common form of series. If possible, this is the first thing you should check when you try to find a pattern in the series. You should take the difference between consecutive terms of a series. This difference can be constant (e.g. +5, −3 etc) or have some pattern of its own. This can be one of the patterns explained above e.g. if the series is: 32 33 41 68 132, take the difference to get 1 8 27 64. Since these numbers are clearly a series of perfect cubes, the next number in this sequence is 125. Hence, the next number in the original series is 132 + 125 = 257. Occasionally, you might not get a pattern after a first level of difference. Ten, you should take a difference of these differences and check.


Directions for examples 1 to 5: Find the missing term to complete the given series.

Example 1:

58, 70, 84, 100, ___

(1) 112(2) 119(3) 116(4) 118(5) 122


Consider the difference between consecutive terms: 12, 14, 16, …

Observe that the difference is a series of consecutive even numbers.

Hence, next difference = 18 and next number = 100 + 18 = 118

Hence, option 4.

Example 2:


3, 9, 18, 30, ___

(1) 33(2) 36(3) 45(4) 39(5) 42


This is an example of multiple patterns applying to the same set of numbers. In each case, the answer turns out to be the same.

Logic 1: Take the difference of consecutive terms i.e. 6, 9, 12, ….

The difference is a series of consecutive multiples of 3.

Hence, next difference = 15 and next term = 30 + 15 = 45

Hence, option 3.

Logic 2: Each term can be written as:

3 = 3 × 1; 9 = 3 × 3; 18 = 3 × 6; 30 = 3 × 10

Observe that the multiples of 3 in the above series themselves form a series 1, 3, 6, 10. The difference between consecutive terms of this new series is 2, 3, 4 and so on.



Hence, the next difference should be 10 + 5 = 15. Thus, the required multiple of 3 is 15.

Required term = 3 × 15 = 45

Hence, option 3.

Logic 3:

3 = 3 × 1

9 = 3 + 3 × 2

18 = 9 + 3 × 3

30 = 18 + 3 × 4

The pattern is (Previous term) + (3 × Position of term in the sequence)

Therefore, the next term should be 30 + 3 × 5 = 45

Hence, option 3.


Though the answer can be obtained through various patterns, you should always select the pattern that you first think of in the exam. Sometimes, the different patterns possible give different answers. In that case, you should look at the options and select the pattern whose answer is given in the options.

Example 3:


336, 305, 268, 227, 184, ___

(1) 137 (2) 163(3) 146(4) 133 (5) 129


Consider the difference between consecutive terms: −31, −37, −41, −43.

If you ignore the minus sign, the differences form a series of consecutive primes.

Since the next prime is 47, the required difference = −47.

Hence, required term = 184 – 47 = 137

Hence, option 1.


Example 4:


1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, ___

(1) 9(2) 10(3) 12(4) 13(5) 15


Observe that, starting from the third term, each term is the sum of the 2 terms immediately preceding it.

Hence, the required term = 5 + 8 = 13.

Hence, option 4.


The series given in this example is a special series known as the Fibonacci Series in which the sum of two successive terms is the next term.



Just like difference based series, product based series either have a common ratio between terms or the ratio also shows some pattern. Common patterns are powers, factorials and multiples. A common feature of such series is that the value of consecutive terms increases/decreases quite sharply. However, first level subtraction often helps in identifying the underlying pattern.


The series may be based on simple application of factors or multiples.

Example 6:


Find the missing term. 2, 12, 30, 56, ___

(1) 77(2) 90(3) 79(4) 72(5) 92


Each number can be expressed as a product of consecutive numbers:

1 × 2 = 2; 3 × 4 = 12; 5 × 6 = 30; 7 × 8 = 56

Hence, required term = 9 × 10 = 90

Hence, option 2.


Consider the difference between consecutive terms: 10, 18, 26.

These differences form a series increasing by 8. Hence, next difference =

26 + 8 = 34.

Hence, the required term = 56 + 34 = 90.

Hence, option 2.

Example 7:


Find the missing term. 24, 12, 12, 18, 36, ___

(1) 90(2) 92(3) 78(4) 67(5) 77


Consider the ratio between consecutive terms: 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2.

Since the ratio keeps increasing by 0.5, the next ratio is 2.5.

Hence, required term = 36 × 2.5 = 90

Hence, option 1.


These include questions where the pattern is related to squares, cubes or higher powers. Here, the value of the term increases even more sharply.

Example 8:


Find the missing term. 2, 6, 30, 260, ___

(1) 420(2) 500(3) 3140(4) 610(5) 3130


The sharp increase in value indicates that the pattern may be based on powers.

The given series can be expressed as (11 + 1), (22 + 2), (33 + 3), (44 + 4)

Therefore, the required term = 55 + 5 = 3130

Hence, option 5.

Example 9:


Find the missing term. 11, 24, 39, 416, ___

(1) 626(2) 525(3) 552(4) 523(5) 5025


Here, the numbers do not show an obvious pattern either using differences or simple products. If we split each number in 2 parts, we see that one part is the square of the other part.

Each term is of the form nn2.

Hence, the 5th term should be 552 i.e. 525.

Hence, option 2.


This involves the fastest growth in values since the factorials of the first 7 natural numbers are 1, 2, 6, 24, 120, 720 and 5040.

Example 10:


Find the missing term. 1, 1, 4, 36, ___

(1) 36(2) 51(3) 576(4) 81(5) 225


The pattern seen in the above series is (n!)2.

Each term can be expressed as: (0!)2, (1!)2, (2!)2, (3!)2 and so on.

Therefore the required term should be (4!)2 = (24)2 = 576.

Hence, option 3.

Consider ratio between consecutive terms: 1, 4, 9. These are squares of consecutive natural numbers.
Hence, next ratio = 16 and required term = 36 × 16 = 576

Hence, option 3.


An alternating series is a combination of two or more series. Each series can have different patterns applied to it and then combined to form a series. In a combination of 2 series, alternate terms follow the same pattern. An alternating series can be a combination of more than 2 series as well. If you are asked to find two or more values, it is very likely to be an alternating series.

Example 11:


Find the missing term. 0, 3, 3, 4, 6, 5, 9, 6, ___

(1) 9(2) 5(3) 4(4) 10(5) 12


Since the values increase and decrease, you should check for alternate series.

Taking alternate terms together, we get (0, 3, 6, 9, ?) and (3, 4, 5, 6). One is a series of consecutive multiples of 3 while the other is a series of consecutive integers.

Hence, the required number is the next multiple of 3 i.e. 12.

Hence, option 5.

Example 12:


Find the missing term. 1, 2, 7, 12, 21, 70, 43, _____

(1) 124(2) 224(3) 184(4) 150(5) 212


Since the values increase and decrease, you should check for alternate series.

Taking alternate terms together, we get (1, 7, 21, 43) and (2, 12, 70, ?).

The first series is of the form [n + (n – 1)2]; where n is the series of consecutive odd numbers starting from 1.

The second series is of the form [n + (n – 2)3]; where n is the series of even numbers starting from 2.

The required number is part of the second series.

Hence, required number = 8 + (8 – 2)3 = 8 + 63 = 8 + 216 = 224

Hence, option 2.


These can involve a combination of patterns or series and cannot be directly classified.

Example 13:


Find the missing term. 10, 103, 18, 187, ___

(1) 979(2) 26(3) 9(4) 251(5) 34


The difference of consecutive terms does not form a logical series.

Here, look at the actual digits of each term. The sum of digits of each term is:

10: 1 + 0 = 1

103: 1 + 0 + 3 = 4

18: 1 + 8 = 9

187: 1 + 8 + 7 = 16

Thus, the sum of digits for each term is the square of consecutive natural numbers.

Hence, the next term should have sum of digits = 52 = 25.

Only 979 satisfies this condition.

Hence, option 1.

Example 14:


Find the missing term. 0, 1, 0, 8, 2, 7, 6, ___

(1) 2(2) 3(3) 4(4) 5(5) 8


It is a series of cubes of natural numbers but each digit of the number is written as a separate term. Here, each cube has been expressed as a two digit number split into two parts i.e. 1 as 01, 8 as 08 and so on.

The next cube is 43 = 64. Since ‘6’ is already present, the next term = 4.

Hence, option 3.





  • For solving problems on numbers series, first observe the difference between the numbers. The difference may be constant or may form a pattern.
  • If the first level of subtraction does not show a pattern, subtract the differences from each other again. This may show a pattern. Continue till a consistent pattern is found.
  • If the difference between consecutive terms is very large and there is no constant pattern in the difference, it may be a product series. In a product series, the terms increase/decrease at a greater rate compared to a difference based series. Multiplicative series are generally based on pure multiplication, powers or factorials.
  • First check if the terms show some relationship with the multiple or factor of some number or group of numbers (such as even multiples of prime numbers).
  • If no factor/multiple based relationship is found, check if the numbers lie close to squares or cubes or higher powers of any number.
  • Remember the factorials of the first 7-8 numbers and see if the terms lie close to the factorials.
  • If the terms increase and decrease alternately, it may be an alternate series with two different patterns. If a question has more than 1 blank, in most cases it implies a combination of 2 or more series. If nothing works out, check the relationship between the digits of the terms, especially if some terms are very small in value and some are very large or if the terms seem to be random.
  • If the middle term is missing, check the pattern between the 1st and 2nd term, as well as the 4th and 5th term to see if there is an alternating pattern. Then use the answer option to see which alternative suits the best.
  • In letter series, always write down the position of the letters in the alphabet and then find the relationship.
  • In alphanumeric as well as letter series, focus on one element at a time e.g. first letter, first number. Based on its pattern, you may be able to eliminate some options.
  • If you are unable to get the pattern for a series based question in approximately one minute, leave it for the time being. Do not spend too much time on it.
  • If two patterns are visible for a given series, check if the answer by both is the same or different. If it is different, check which answer is given in the options. If very rare cases where both are given, you can either of the two as the answer.


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Lesson Posted on 05/08/2017 Learn Campus Placement Training +3 Verbal Aptitude Computer aptitude SBI Exam

Verbal Reasoning: Blood Relations

Nirmal Kumar R

I am a Asst professor (MBA,. BE.,).. I will handle Classes for Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning, MBA,...

Mother’s or Father’s Son : Brother Mother’s or Father’s Daughter : Sister Mother’s or Father’s Brother : Uncle Mother’s or Father’s Sister : Aunt Mother’s or Father’s Father : Grandfather Mother’s or Father’s Mother : Grandmother Son’s... read more
  • Mother’s or Father’s Son : Brother
  • Mother’s or Father’s Daughter : Sister
  • Mother’s or Father’s Brother : Uncle
  • Mother’s or Father’s Sister : Aunt
  • Mother’s or Father’s Father : Grandfather
  • Mother’s or Father’s Mother : Grandmother
  • Son’s Wife : Daughter-in-Law
  • Daughter’s husband : Son-in-Law
  • Husband’s or Wife’s Sister : Sister-in-Law
  • Husband’s or Wife’s Brother : Brother-in-Law
  • Brother’s or Sister’s Son : Nephew
  • Brother’s or Sister’s Daughter : Niece
  • Uncle or Aunt’s Son or daughter : Cousin
  • Sister’s Husband : Brother- in-Law
  • Brother’s Wife : Sister-in-Law
  • Grandson’s or Granddaughter’s daughter : Great grand daughter
  • Wife’s or Husband’s Father’s : Father-in-Law
  • Wife’s or Husband’s Mother : Mother-in-Law  
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