Address: #132 Post Box No. 505, , St. John's Church Road, Clevland Town Frazer Town, Bangalore - 560005
Locality: Frazer Town (Find more Frazer Town schools)
Landmark: Near St.Francis Xavier Church
Phone: 080-25309727 / 080-25544477 080-25361456
English Medium
School timings: 8:00 am - 2:45 pm
Year Established: 1854
Extra-curricular Activities:
Transport, Computer Lab, Playground,Music, Art & Craft
Additional Details:
8;00 am - 3:00 pm, Saturday & Sunday
Admission Details:
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Upload it now!Dont fell for the looks of the campus and the vast heritage they are boasting off.... No teaching, no discipline....
- by rani on Dec 11, 2012Don't go by the looks of the campus. There is nothing happening....
No teaching, no discipline, no expectation, no control on the number of holidays .... Teacher's show a very careless attitude to the parents on PTA meetings.
Its prestige is no longer existing,
there is worst teaching,
they do not teach handwriting.
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Sumaiya 15/01/2016
CROFTON 08/04/2014
sangeetha 19/03/2014
Harry 30/01/2014
Babitha 17/01/2014
karthika 16/01/2014
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