Address: 433, , Quarter Gate,, Pune - 411002
Locality: Nana Peth (Find more Nana Peth schools)
Phone: 020-26136276
English Medium
Principal: Father Elias Rodrigues
Year Established: 1887
Extra-curricular Activities:
- Cricket,
- Football,
- Music,
- Dance
- Science Lab,
- Computer Lab,
- Library
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Upload it now!To the Principal of Ornellas High School,I have studied in St.Clares & I was planning to take admission for my son in ur school but my brother's son is studying in ur school in std 1st C but my brother complainted me about the class teacher of 1st C that she does not respond to the parents she speaks bad words with the children she does not behave properly with parents ,etc,etc.... I know her name also but I dont want to put her name on this & even I dont want to put the name of my nephew. I please request u to take some action or we wil have to take some action directly on her.
1 Star bcoz of only that teacher otherwise all things r good.
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