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The NCERT Class 6 Science Chapter 7 mentions the different parts of a plant. The chapter starts with introducing herbs, shrubs and trees through an activity that makes the students observe different plants and classify them on the basis of their height, colour, thickness and branch position. Terms like climbers and creepers are also introduced to the students. The chapter explains each plant part in detail with its pattern of growth and types. Colourful diagrams and simple language throughout the chapter make learning easier and better. Terms like lamina, venation, petiole, transpiration etc. includes the parts of the plant and their detailed description.
To know more about NCERT Solution of Class 6th Science Chapter 7, let’s look at the sub-parts of this chapter:
7.1 Herbs, Shrubs and Trees
7.2 Stem
7.3 Leaf
7.4 Root
7.5 Flower
Section 7.1 – This section explains the thickness, height and colour of different plant plants through activities in which you are asked to observe the plants. Based on these categories, plants can be divided into herbs, shrubs and trees, which is demonstrated in this section through pictures and examples. Plants with green and tender stems are called herbs. They are usually short and may not have many branches. Shrubs are plants that develop branches near the base of the stem, which is hard but not very thick. Whereas, trees are tall plants that have a hard and thick stem, also called trunk. The section ends with telling about creepers, which are plants with weak stems that cannot stand upright but spread on the ground, and climbers, which are plants that take support and climb up.
Section 7.2 – This section majorly discusses stem in detail. Through activities, you are told to explore different kinds of stems. Through a small experiment, you are taught how stems help in the upward movement of water, and thus other parts of the plant attached to the stem, like leaves, receive water and minerals through the stem.
Section 7.3 – This section elaborates different parts of a leaf. It tells you that the part of a leaf by which it is attached to the stem is called petiole, whereas the broad, green part of the leaf is called lamina. Both of these parts are shown in a diagram given in the section. Next, through an activity, you are taught about leaf venation, and also the two types of it- reticulate venation and parallel venation. Diagrams explaining both these types are mentioned in the section. Also, activities in this section explain the processes of transpiration and photosynthesis.
Section 7.4 – This part covers the study of the root of a plant. Through an activity, you are asked to explore what happens if roots are removed from the plant. There are other activities that teach the function of roots in the growth of a plant, and how a plant cannot survive without its roots. The two types of roots are given with diagrams in this section. These are- Taproot, which is the main root, and Lateral roots, which are the smaller roots.
Section 7.5 – This section discusses the flower- which is the part through which we can easily recognise a plant. You are taught through an activity to recognise sepals and petals in a flower. On removing the petals and sepals, you will notice other plant parts which are stamens and pistils. Each of these plant parts is explained in depth through activities in this section. Pictures of every part are also given, making it easier for students to learn and retain.
To know more about the NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 7 or NCERT Solution Class 6 Science Chapter 7, explore Getting to Know Plants Class 6 PDF. on 2020-02-05 10:40:35 by arunima. Last Modified on 2020-02-05 10:40:35
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