Address: No 72/4, Old State Bank Colony, , West Tambaram, Chennai - 600045
Locality: Tambaram West (Find more Tambaram West schools)
Phone: 044-22381642
* A well maintained spacious library with approximately 7000 books.
* Airconditioned Computer laboratory.
* Highly qualified and dedicated teachers who give individual attention to students.
* A wide range of Sport and cultural activities.
* A work place where pupils may develop according to their own potential.
* Dining Hall which can accommodate nearly 75 students at a time. Nutritional vegetarian food is prepared under hygienic conditions. Juice, Lunch and Snacks are provided both for students and teachers.
* Presentation of lessons through OHP or LCD Projector.
* Transport Facility.
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vishaal.s 20/05/2014
vishaal.s 20/05/2014
p suresh kumar 16/05/2014
Sangeetha 02/03/2014
P.BALAMURUGAN 22/02/2014
Priya 21/01/2014
saravanan 05/12/2013
Mrs.Gayathrimohan 06/11/2013
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