Address: Shop #45 Thaltej , Thaltej Road, Ahmedabad - 380054
Locality: Thaltej (Find more Thaltej schools)
Landmark: Near Surdhara Circle
Phone: +91-79-27441974
English Medium
The Crescent Playgroup has been established for over 25 years.
We are a friendly well run professional playgroup. The playgroup employs five staff members Ruth Callan the Playgroup Manager, Margaret Miller the Playgroup Leader and three Support Assistants, Anne Bain, Diane McLean and Yvonne Brown. Alongside the team two parent helpers support the Playgroup daily.
Extra-curricular Activities:
* Personal, Social & Emotional Development
* Communication, Language & Literacy
* Mathematical Development
* Knowledge and Understanding of the World
* Physical Development
* Creative Development
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