Although the existence of tailors and tailoring has been known from a very old time, theemergence of tailoring as an art was quite prominent only after the eighteenth century.  Nowadays, a tailor is not merely a person who simply stitches clothes, but someone who designs the cloth to enhance our looks. Traditional tailoring is called bespoke tailoring in the United Kingdom and custom tailoring in the United States and Hong Kong. This is unlike ‘made to measure’, which uses pre-existing patterns. A bespoke garment or suit is completely original and unique to each customer. In India, though the ready made garment industry is flourishing, many people, especially women, still choose to go to a tailor for getting their clothes stitched.
Need for tailors & tailoring classes
The primary need for a tailor comes from the fact that each person has a unique body structure and that a mass produced ready made garment will not fit properly. It might either be loose or tight and not fall properly. Ill-fitted clothes are the last on the list for someone who looks for comfort in clothes.
Tailoring has progressed from hand stitching to sewing machine to automated machine stitching. It has also gained a reputation as a respectable profession with the advent of fashion designing industry in the country. In major metropolitan cities, such as Mumbai, New Delhi, Bangalore and Hyderabad many youngsters are opting for fashion designing and tailoring to pursue their creative bent in cloth stitching.
Apart from institutes such as National institute for fashion technology (Nift), there are private schools that offer courses for students in tailoring. Now the demand in the cities is to find out a good tailoring class and learn the skill properly. Learning tailoring in Bangalore has been made simpler and easier with the help of ThinkVidya. The website supplies information regarding local tailoring classes along with reviews. ThinkVidya also ensures that the information in authentic. One can look for classes based on the area of their choice. Bangalore being a fashion hub has no dearth for such classes and the user will have plenty of options to choose from.
List of tailoring classes in Bangalore >>
The scope of such classes in Bangalore is vast. If the student learning tailoring has innate creativity and out of the box thinking, he or she can hone those skills through some of the best classes being provided by established designers in the city. Once the student has learnt the basic and advanced skills, he or she can start his/her own boutique and bespoke tailoring for high society clientele. However, reaching that kind of level requires skill and patience. Bangalore apart from being the silicon valley of India, has loads to offer in the fashion arena too. Find a suitable tailoring class of your choice through ThinkVidya and start working on your fashion dreams.