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Learn Unit 3-Motion, Force and Work with Free Lessons & Tips

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Answered on 18 Apr Learn Sound

Nazia Khanum

SONAR stands for "Sound Navigation and Ranging." It's a technique that uses sound propagation (usually underwater) to navigate, communicate with, or detect objects. SONAR is analogous to RADAR (Radio Detection and Ranging), which uses radio waves. SONAR systems emit sound pulses and then listen for... read more

SONAR stands for "Sound Navigation and Ranging." It's a technique that uses sound propagation (usually underwater) to navigate, communicate with, or detect objects. SONAR is analogous to RADAR (Radio Detection and Ranging), which uses radio waves. SONAR systems emit sound pulses and then listen for echoes from objects in the water. By analyzing these echoes, SONAR systems can determine the distance, direction, size, shape, and even the composition of underwater objects. SONAR has numerous applications, including military, commercial, scientific, and recreational purposes, such as navigation, fish finding, submarine detection, and underwater mapping.

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Answered on 18 Apr Learn Sound

Nazia Khanum

Definition of Wave Motion Wave motion refers to the propagation of disturbances through a medium without the net transfer of matter. These disturbances can take various forms, including oscillations of particles or fields, and they transmit energy and information from one point to another. Characteristics... read more

Definition of Wave Motion

Wave motion refers to the propagation of disturbances through a medium without the net transfer of matter. These disturbances can take various forms, including oscillations of particles or fields, and they transmit energy and information from one point to another.

Characteristics of Wave Motion

  • Propagation: Waves propagate through a medium, which can be a solid, liquid, gas, or even a vacuum.
  • Transfer of Energy: Waves transport energy from one location to another without transporting matter.
  • Periodicity: Many waves exhibit periodic behavior, with regular intervals between successive crests or troughs.
  • Amplitude: The magnitude of the disturbance in a wave, typically measured from the equilibrium position to the crest (or trough) of the wave.
  • Frequency: The number of complete oscillations or cycles a wave undergoes per unit of time, usually measured in hertz (Hz).
  • Wavelength: The distance between two successive crests (or troughs) of a wave.
  • Speed: The rate at which a wave travels through a medium, typically measured in meters per second (m/s).

Types of Wave Motion

  • Mechanical Waves: These waves require a medium for propagation and include:
    • Transverse Waves: The particles of the medium oscillate perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation. Examples include waves on a string or electromagnetic waves.
    • Longitudinal Waves: The particles of the medium oscillate parallel to the direction of wave propagation. Examples include sound waves in air or compression waves in a spring.
  • Electromagnetic Waves: These waves do not require a medium and can propagate through a vacuum. Examples include light waves, radio waves, microwaves, and X-rays.
  • Surface Waves: These waves propagate along the interface between two different media. Examples include water waves on the surface of a pond or seismic waves traveling along the Earth's surface.

Applications of Wave Motion

  • Communication: Electromagnetic waves, such as radio waves and microwaves, are used for wireless communication.
  • Medicine: Ultrasound waves are utilized for imaging and therapy in medicine.
  • Engineering: Understanding wave motion is crucial in various engineering fields, including acoustics, optics, and structural analysis.
  • Seismology: Study of seismic waves helps in understanding the structure and dynamics of the Earth's interior.
  • Oceanography: Analysis of ocean waves provides insights into ocean currents, weather patterns, and coastal erosion.


In summary, wave motion is the propagation of disturbances through a medium, characterized by properties such as frequency, amplitude, wavelength, and speed. Understanding wave motion is fundamental to various scientific disciplines and has numerous practical applications in technology and everyday life.

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Answered on 18 Apr Learn Work and energy

Nazia Khanum

Derivation of the Formula for Potential Energy Introduction to Potential Energy: Potential energy is the energy possessed by an object due to its position relative to other objects. It is a fundamental concept in physics and is crucial in understanding various phenomena, including gravitational and... read more

Derivation of the Formula for Potential Energy

Introduction to Potential Energy: Potential energy is the energy possessed by an object due to its position relative to other objects. It is a fundamental concept in physics and is crucial in understanding various phenomena, including gravitational and elastic potential energy.

Gravitational Potential Energy: Gravitational potential energy (PEg)(PEg) is the energy stored in an object due to its position in a gravitational field. The formula for gravitational potential energy is derived based on the gravitational force between two objects.

Formula for Gravitational Potential Energy: The formula for gravitational potential energy is given by:



  • mm is the mass of the object,
  • gg is the acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.8 m/s29.8m/s2 on the surface of the Earth),
  • hh is the height or distance from a reference point.

Derivation of Gravitational Potential Energy Formula: The derivation starts with the definition of work done (WW) against gravity to raise an object to a height hh:



  • FF is the force applied,
  • dd is the displacement.

In the case of lifting an object against gravity, the force required is the gravitational force (F=mgF=mg), and the displacement is the vertical height hh.


Since work done is equal to the change in potential energy, we can equate it to the change in gravitational potential energy (ΔPEgΔPEg):



This is the formula for gravitational potential energy, denoted by PEgPEg.

Conclusion: The formula for potential energy, particularly gravitational potential energy, is derived from the work done against gravity to raise an object to a certain height. It is given by PEg=mghPEg=mgh, where mm is the mass of the object, gg is the acceleration due to gravity, and hh is the height or distance from a reference point. Understanding this formula is essential in various fields of physics and engineering.

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Answered on 18 Apr Learn Work and energy

Nazia Khanum

The Law of Conservation of Energy and Pendulum Dynamics Introduction The Law of Conservation of Energy is a fundamental principle in physics that states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one form to another. When applied to a pendulum system, this law helps to explain... read more

The Law of Conservation of Energy and Pendulum Dynamics

Introduction The Law of Conservation of Energy is a fundamental principle in physics that states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one form to another. When applied to a pendulum system, this law helps to explain the dynamics of the pendulum's motion.

Pendulum Motion A pendulum consists of a mass (bob) attached to a string or rod, which is free to swing back and forth under the influence of gravity.

Potential Energy

  • At the highest point of its swing (the amplitude), the pendulum has its maximum potential energy. This energy is stored in the gravitational field.
  • The potential energy PEPE of the pendulum at height hh is given by PE=mghPE=mgh, where mm is the mass, gg is the acceleration due to gravity, and hh is the height.

Kinetic Energy

  • At the lowest point of its swing (the equilibrium position), the pendulum has its maximum kinetic energy. This energy is due to the pendulum's motion.
  • The kinetic energy KEKE of the pendulum with velocity vv is given by KE=12mv2KE=21mv2, where mm is the mass and vv is the velocity.

Conservation of Energy

  • As the pendulum swings, energy is continually converted between potential and kinetic forms, but the total mechanical energy (the sum of potential and kinetic energy) remains constant.
  • At any point in its swing, the total mechanical energy EE of the pendulum is the sum of its potential and kinetic energy: E=PE+KEE=PE+KE.
  • Mathematically, this can be expressed as Einitial=EfinalEinitial=Efinal, where EinitialEinitial is the total mechanical energy at the start of the motion and EfinalEfinal is the total mechanical energy at any other point during the motion.


  • Consider a pendulum released from rest at its maximum height.
  • At this point, all its energy is potential energy.
  • As it swings downward, potential energy is converted to kinetic energy.
  • At the bottom of its swing, all its energy is kinetic.
  • As it swings back upward, kinetic energy is converted back to potential energy.
  • At the highest point of its swing, all its energy is potential again.
  • This cycle continues indefinitely as long as no external forces (such as friction or air resistance) are acting on the pendulum.

Conclusion The Law of Conservation of Energy explains how the energy of a pendulum system remains constant throughout its motion. By understanding this principle, we can analyze and predict the behavior of pendulum systems with precision.

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Answered on 18 Apr Learn Work and energy

Nazia Khanum

Understanding the Conservation of Energy Introduction: In the realm of physics, the principle of conservation of energy is fundamental. It states that energy cannot be created nor destroyed, but it can be transformed from one form to another. Let's delve into where we obtain energy despite this law. Sources... read more

Understanding the Conservation of Energy

Introduction: In the realm of physics, the principle of conservation of energy is fundamental. It states that energy cannot be created nor destroyed, but it can be transformed from one form to another. Let's delve into where we obtain energy despite this law.

Sources of Energy:

  1. Natural Resources:

    • Fossil Fuels: Coal, oil, and natural gas are examples. These contain stored energy from ancient organic matter.
    • Renewable Resources: Solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal energy utilize natural processes to harness energy sustainably.
  2. Nuclear Energy:

    • Uranium and plutonium undergo controlled nuclear reactions, releasing large amounts of energy.
  3. Chemical Energy:

    • Food: Through metabolism, our bodies convert food into energy.
    • Batteries: Chemical reactions within batteries produce electrical energy.
  4. Geothermal Energy:

    • Heat from the Earth's core is tapped into for power generation or heating purposes.

Energy Conversion:

  • Transformation Processes:

    • Combustion: Burning fossil fuels converts chemical energy into heat and mechanical energy.
    • Photosynthesis: Plants convert solar energy into chemical energy stored in carbohydrates.
    • Nuclear Fission/Fusion: Splitting or combining atomic nuclei releases enormous amounts of energy.
  • Technology and Machinery:

    • Engines: Internal combustion engines, turbines, and electric motors convert energy from one form to another for various applications.
    • Solar Panels: Photovoltaic cells convert sunlight directly into electricity.

Human Ingenuity and Innovation:

  • Research and Development:

    • Scientists continuously explore new methods of energy production, storage, and efficiency.
    • Advancements in technology lead to more efficient utilization of existing energy sources.
  • Energy Conservation:

    • Strategies to reduce energy consumption through efficiency improvements and lifestyle changes contribute to sustainability.

Conclusion: Despite the law of conservation of energy, humanity harnesses energy from various sources through ingenious methods and

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Answered on 18 Apr Learn Work and energy

Nazia Khanum

Understanding Work Done on an Object Introduction: In the realm of physics, the concept of work done on an object holds significant importance. Work is defined as the force applied to an object over a distance, causing it to move. However, there are instances where the work done on an object is zero.... read more

Understanding Work Done on an Object

Introduction: In the realm of physics, the concept of work done on an object holds significant importance. Work is defined as the force applied to an object over a distance, causing it to move. However, there are instances where the work done on an object is zero. Let's explore one such example.

Example: Work Done on a Stationary Object

Scenario: Consider a book resting on a table. You exert a force by pressing down on the book with your hand, but the book doesn't move.

Explanation: In this scenario, despite applying a force to the book, there is no displacement in the direction of the force. Therefore, the work done on the book is zero.

Factors Contributing to Zero Work:

  • No Displacement: The book remains stationary; hence, there is no displacement along the direction of the force.
  • Perpendicular Force: If the force you apply is perpendicular to the direction of potential motion, no work is done. In this case, the force of gravity pulling the book downward is balanced by the normal force exerted by the table upward, resulting in zero net force in the direction of motion.
  • Magnitude of Force: Even if you apply a significant force, if it doesn't result in any displacement in the direction of the force, the work done is zero.

Conclusion: Understanding the conditions under which work done on an object is zero is crucial in grasping the concept of work in physics. In scenarios where there is no displacement or the force is perpendicular to the direction of potential motion, the work done on the object is zero.

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Answered on 18 Apr Learn Motion

Nazia Khanum

i) Motion of a Car around a Curve: The kind of motion exhibited by a car moving with constant speed turning around a curve is uniform circular motion. In this motion, the car maintains a constant speed while continuously changing its direction due to the curve, resulting in a circular path. ii) Motion... read more

i) Motion of a Car around a Curve:

  • The kind of motion exhibited by a car moving with constant speed turning around a curve is uniform circular motion.
  • In this motion, the car maintains a constant speed while continuously changing its direction due to the curve, resulting in a circular path.

ii) Motion of an Electron Orbiting around a Nucleus:

  • The kind of motion displayed by an electron orbiting around a nucleus is uniform circular motion.
  • In an atom, electrons revolve around the nucleus in circular paths at a constant speed, maintaining a stable orbit.

Answer to Question (b):


  • Radius of circular orbit, r=36,000r=36,000 km
  • Time taken to revolve around the Earth, T=24T=24 hours

To Calculate:

  • Speed of the artificial satellite in its orbit.


  1. Convert the time from hours to seconds since speed is measured in meters per second.

    • 2424 hours ×60×60 minutes/hour ×60×60 seconds/minute = 86,40086,400 seconds.
  2. Apply the formula for the speed of an object in circular motion:

    • Speed v=2πrTv=T2πr
  3. Substitute the given values into the formula:

    • Speed v = \frac{2 \pi \times 36,000 km}{86,400 ) seconds }
    • Speed v=72,000π86,400v=86,40072,000π km/s
    • Speed v=20π24v=2420π km/s
    • Speed v=5π6v=65π km/s
    • Speed v≈2.62v≈2.62 km/s (approximately)


  • The speed of the artificial satellite in its circular orbit around the Earth is approximately 2.622.62 km/s.
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Answered on 18 Apr Learn Motion

Nazia Khanum

Understanding Uniform and Non-Uniform Motion Uniform Motion: Uniform motion refers to the movement of an object at a constant speed in a straight line, maintaining the same velocity throughout its journey. In this type of motion, the object covers equal distances in equal intervals of time. Example... read more

Understanding Uniform and Non-Uniform Motion

Uniform Motion: Uniform motion refers to the movement of an object at a constant speed in a straight line, maintaining the same velocity throughout its journey. In this type of motion, the object covers equal distances in equal intervals of time.

Example of Uniform Motion:

  • A Car Traveling on a Highway:
    • Suppose a car is cruising on a straight highway at a constant speed of 60 miles per hour (mph).
    • Regardless of the time of day or road conditions, if the car maintains this speed without any acceleration or deceleration, it's considered to be in uniform motion.

Non-Uniform Motion: Non-uniform motion occurs when an object changes its speed or direction over time. Unlike uniform motion, the velocity of an object in non-uniform motion is not constant; it may vary at different points during its journey.

Example of Non-Uniform Motion:

  • A Roller Coaster Ride:
    • Consider a roller coaster moving along its track.
    • As it ascends a hill, its speed decreases due to gravity pulling it back.
    • Then, as it descends, its speed increases rapidly, reaching maximum velocity at the bottom of the hill.
    • Throughout the ride, the roller coaster's speed varies, making it an example of non-uniform motion.
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Answered on 18 Apr Learn Motion

Nazia Khanum

Understanding the Odometer and Speed Introduction: The odometer is an essential component in automobiles, providing a measurement crucial for understanding the vehicle's distance traveled. What Does the Odometer Measure? The odometer measures the total distance covered by the automobile since its manufacture... read more

Understanding the Odometer and Speed

Introduction: The odometer is an essential component in automobiles, providing a measurement crucial for understanding the vehicle's distance traveled.

What Does the Odometer Measure? The odometer measures the total distance covered by the automobile since its manufacture or since the last reset. It is a significant indicator for vehicle maintenance, resale value, and tracking usage.

Comparison of Speeds: To determine which vehicle is moving faster, we need to compare the speeds of the scooter and the car.

Speed of the Scooter: (i) A scooter moving with a speed of 300 m per 1 minute.

Speed of the Car: (ii) A car moving with a speed of 36 km per hour.

Justification: To make a fair comparison, we need to ensure both speeds are in the same units. Let's convert the speed of the car from km/h to m/min:

  1. 36 km/h = (36 × 1000) m / (60 minutes) = 600 m/min

Comparison: Comparing the speeds:

  • The scooter's speed is 300 m/min.
  • The car's speed is 600 m/min.

Conclusion: The car is moving faster than the scooter. It covers a distance of 600 meters in one minute compared to the scooter, which covers only 300 meters in the same time frame.

Therefore, the car moving at 36 km/h is faster than the scooter moving at 300 m/min.

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Answered on 18 Apr Learn Motion

Nazia Khanum

Distance-Time Graph for Uniform and Non-Uniform Motion Uniform Motion: In uniform motion, the object covers equal distances in equal intervals of time. The distance-time graph for uniform motion is a straight line inclined to the time axis. Non-Uniform Motion: In non-uniform motion, the object covers... read more

Distance-Time Graph for Uniform and Non-Uniform Motion

Uniform Motion:

  • In uniform motion, the object covers equal distances in equal intervals of time.
  • The distance-time graph for uniform motion is a straight line inclined to the time axis.

Non-Uniform Motion:

  • In non-uniform motion, the object covers unequal distances in equal intervals of time.
  • The distance-time graph for non-uniform motion is curved.


Given Data:

  • Initial velocity (u) = 0 m/s (as the bus starts from rest)
  • Acceleration (a) = 0.1 m/s²
  • Time (t) = 2 minutes = 120 seconds

(a) Speed Acquired:

  • Using the equation of motion: v=u+atv=u+at
  • v=0+(0.1×120)v=0+(0.1×120)
  • v=12 m/sv=12m/s

(b) Distance Travelled:

  • Using the equation of motion: s=ut+12at2s=ut+21at2
  • s=(0×120)+12(0.1×1202)s=(0×120)+21(0.1×1202)
  • s=0+12(0.1×14400)s=0+21(0.1×14400)
  • s=12(1440)s=21(1440)
  • s=720 ms=720m


  • The speed acquired by the bus is 12 m/s12m/s.
  • The distance travelled by the bus is 720 m720m.
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