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  • Explained in an elaborated manner and gave a great insight on the exam so that. I got to know how exam...

    - Suhana

  • Best experience, I was a student of the prayas India, before I joined other classes also but when I joined...

    - The Prayas India , Mumbai

  • It was a great experience. Detailed content explanation with short tricks and time management is handled...

    - Saritha

  • He is fabulous in his work and in helping others also. he tackles problems in such an easy way that nobody...

    - Shardul

Top Professionals

Arunkumar Sengodan

14 years experience


Sahil Jain

13 years experience


Rashmi M.

10 years experience

Sahibzada Ajit Singh Nagar

Siddharta Logic


Ibop Academy


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